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Elevator in Multiplayer
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This tutorial will show you how to add an elevator in your multiplayer map.

Elevator in Multiplayer

This tutorial will show you how to add an elevator in your multiplayer map.

The majority of the process of putting an elevator in your map is script work - however i will walk you through the entire process.

First create your elevator out of brushes.

Select them all and right click in the 2d window and make them a script_brushmodel.

Press "N" to bring up the entity editor and give them the key targetname and the value elevatormodel.

Now we will add the button. Right click in the 2d window and click misc then model. Close the browser window and in the entity editor enter the key model and the value xmodel/switch1. (I accidentally created mine as a script_model - but it will work either way). Move the button into position.

Then, using textures common/trigger, draw out the trigger area. (this is where the button will be pressable).

Right click in the 2d view and click trigger and use.

Press "N" to bring up the entity editor and give the trigger_use the key of targetname and the value elevatorswitch.

Texture the visible faces of your elevator.

That is it for the map...now onto the scripting

First, for sounds - create a .csv file using the following information.



# Personal Sounddefinitions,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

.csv information courtesy of Sgt. Skywalker

Now we need a .gsc to make the elevator work...you can save it as whatever you want - just make sure you call on it in yourmap.gsc.

main() {
level.elevatorDown = true; // elevator starts at bottom: true/false
level.elevatorMoving = false; // elevator is not currently moving
thread elevator_start();

elevator_start() {
elevator = getentarray ("elevatorswitch","targetname");
if ( isdefined(elevator) )
for (i = 0; i < elevator.size; i++)
elevator[i] thread elevator_think();

elevator_think() {
while (1) {
self waittill ("trigger");
if (!level.elevatorMoving)
thread elevator_move();

elevator_move() {
elevatormodel = getent ("elevatormodel", "targetname");
level.elevatorMoving = true;
speed = 2;
height = 192;
wait (1);
if (level.elevatorDown) { // moves to top
elevatormodel playsound ("elevator1"); // sound definition for soundaliases.csv
wait (1); // wait a second to hear the motor start and then start the movement of the lift - feels more realistic
elevatormodel moveZ (height, speed);
elevatormodel waittill ("movedone");
level.elevatorDown = false;
else { // moves to bottom
elevatormodel playsound ("elevator1"); // sound definition for soundaliases.csv
wait (1);  // wait a second to hear the motor start and then start the movement of the lift - feels more realistic
elevatormodel moveZ (height - (height * 2), speed);
elevatormodel waittill ("movedone");
level.elevatorDown = true;
level.elevatorMoving = false;

.gsc courtesy of LordBlank, enhanced by Snakeshift and modified by Sgt. Skywalker

Also note:

If you put in


it'll move upwards 320 units (z axis) in 5 seconds, however the elevator will accelerate the first two seconds then move one second at top speed and then take the last two seconds to slow down, i suggest you use that to make your elevator more realistic, ofcourse remember that you cant put in


because 2+2 is 4 and since that's more then three you'll get a script compile error

see the tutorial Getting Started in Scripting for more information on this.

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