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S&D Bomb site - Non-default Sites
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So you want to make an S&D map, but you're tired of the same old bomb-site prefab that's built into the map editor? Making a new bomb site is actually very very easy.
All of the details of a bomb site are similar to the way it was done in CODUO, however, COD4 made it VERY easy for us with the existing prefab.

First and foremost, open the bomb site you wish to use. (prefabs/mp/sd_bombzone_nuke_a.map or prefabs/mp/sd_bombzone_nuke_b.map) The one you choose will control the label in game (A or B.) Immediately, go to File and Save it as a new name. (prefabs/mp/sd_bombzone_tank_a.map for example.)

(Load prefabs instead of models for this step to ensure that clipping, etc, is maintained.)

Secondly, make sure that whatever you want to make has a destroyed version available. I will choose a tank as an example. (vehicle_bmp_woodland_dsty_static -- A model will do for the destroyed version. A prefab is not needed.) Right click somewhere decently away from everything and click Misc->Prefab. Load up the non-destroyed version. (IE: prefabs/misc_models/vehicle_bmp_statis_woodland.map) Make SURE you always load a static version if there are two available or you will be stuck with a bombsite that has moving wheels for no reason.

Now, look back at the original bomb site prefab that was loaded. Shift + Click the surrounding trigger brush. (Brushes painted TRIGGER all over are trigger brushes)

Press H to hide it (I use this key a lot, remember it) and do the same with the next trigger you see. Now you should be left with this...

Shift click both versions of the bomb site model and Hide them both, also. You will be left looking at the clipping for the bomb site, with the origins inside.

Select both of those and press BACKSPACE to remove them.

Now press Shift H to unhide everything we hid. We still don't need those trigger brushes yet, so please Re-Hide them.

Shift Target the NON-DESTROYED version of the bomb site and press N.

As you can see all of the details are already programmed in for a bomb-site, so let's not destroy all that hard work. Click on the "Model..." button and select the model for your tank. Click OK and Poof! The bomb site is now a tank! Wait, wait, we're not done yet. Click back on the 2D window and Press N to close the Entity Window.

Admire your tank for a moment and then (yep) Shift + Click it and Hide it. (D'oh!) Now Shift+Click the Destroyed version of the bombsite and press N. (See above screenshot) Click "Model..." again and choose the destroyed version. (Often this is the same name, but containing "_dsty") (IE, vehicle_bmp_woodland_dsty_static)

At this point, it's a good time to make sure you've saved if you haven't done it recently. Go ahead, I'll wait.

Okay, now time to unhide things again. Shift-H to unhide. Shift + Click and Hide each of the trigger brushes one more time. (You may have to move the camera inside the tank to select the smaller one)

Now go back to the prefab tank that you tossed to the side to begin with. Right click on it and choose Prefab->Enter Prefab. This will open the tank's prefab for editing. (We will not be editing it.) Shift Click on the tank model and Hide it. Shift Click to Select the CLIPPING brushes. (This particular model has 2 of them - get both).

Go to the edit menu and choose Copy. Now right click back in the 2D area and choose Entity->Leave. (Select NO if asked to save) You should be back at your "bomb site." Go to edit and choose Paste. This will paste the clipping. (Do not worry about clipping the destroyed version. No one will be able to get close enough to the tank once it goes off to matter much.) Delete the prefab tank from the map now. We don't need it anymore.

Make sure all clipping is still selected and right click it and choose Script->Brushmodel. (Hide the tank if you need to) Press N and insert this into the entity editor.

key: script_gameobjectname (check this)
value: "bombzone"
(This will only make it appear during S&D mode.)

Rotate it, if necessary, and put it on top of the existing tank model. Make sure it touches on all sides so that players cannot hide or plant inside the tank. Now press Shift H to unhide everything again.

Hide the main outer trigger brush, but do not hide the smaller Trigger brush. Shift+Click the trigger brush, now. (You will very likely have to zoom the camera "inside" the tank in order to select the brush. Get right up close to it to do it.) Now on the 2D view, make the brush slightly larger than the tank.

Shift-H to unhide everything. Shift-Click the outer Trigger brush and make it a fairly decent size away from the tank. "(This area is where the players can stand in to set the plant. Don't make this too large or players will be able to plant unrealistically far away.)"

Now. One last Detail. Do not forget this one. SAVE!

Provided everything went well, you should be able to insert this prefab into your map in place of the corresponding bomb site (A or B) and you will be able to plant at the tank!

Follow http://www.modsonline.com/Tutorials-read-447.html for further details on how to set up the rest of your S&D map.

Thanks, everyone.
- 10-78 Khale K'itha

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