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An introduction to making maps for Unreal Tournament 2003.
Welcome To The World Of Unreal Tournament 2003 Mapping

So you want to learn how to make maps for Unreal tournament 2003? Good for you. But be warned, This is the first step to a very addicting way of life. Be prepared to surrender your goals and aspirations because o­nce you get started, there is little hope of ever going back to what you remember as everyday life.

The tutorials listed here are provided in the hopes to make the learning process simpler and to also create a place to refer back to for hints and help. Many of the tutorials are donated by other members of the community and if you have something you would like to add, please feel free to mail them to foyleman, the administrator of this website and the content within.

Further assistance can be gathered from the forums linked from this website. There are several people that can help or provide more insight to any problems or ideas that you come across. No question is considered foolish, but we do ask that you take a moment to search the site for your answers before posting them.

We hope that you enjoy what we have to offer. Now just use the links at the top to get started.

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Codutility.com up and runn...
Nice, and there still using the logo and template for the screenshots, which...
Codutility.com up and runn...
dundy writes...Quote:Call of Duty modding and mapping is barly alive only a ...
Codutility.com up and runn...
Mystic writes...Quote:It seems to me the like the site is completely dead? ...
Codutility.com up and runn...
It seems to me the like the site is completely dead?

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