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All Working Sounds - SP & Zombies
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This tutorial will show you how to add sounds into your single player or zombies map.

Step 1: Downloading the Sound Package

You will first need to download the sound package. It includes all of the sounds you will need. Click the link below to download:

All Zombie Sounds


Step 2: Extracting and installing the sounds

Now that you have the sound package, extract it anywhere on your computer, such as the Desktop.

Once you have it extracted, copy the files and folders from /AllSoundsZombies/raw/sound/ into:

C:/Program Files/Activision/Call of Duty - World at War/raw/sound/


Step 3: Zone_Source File

After you have copied all of the sounds into your sound folder, you must update your .csv file. For simplicity, I have included the .csv file.

First, delete or rename your original .csv file located in:

C:/Program Files/Activision/Call of Duty - World at War/zone_source/

Now, Copy /AllSoundsZombies/zone_source/nazi_zombie_MAPHERE.csv to:

C:/Program Files/Activision/Call of Duty - World at War/raw/sound/

Next, rename the .csv file you just copied into your zone_source folder to your map name.After you have done that, open it with Notepad and change where it says "MAPHERE" to your map name.

Foot steps were not included with the sound package at the time I made it. To add foot steps and melee sounds, simply add the following to your .csv file:

// Sounds
Note: There MUST be two (2) commas after character, weapons, and common.
If you have any issues, contact me at:


You can also PM me.

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