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Split Zombie Spawns
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This tutorial will guide you through the steps to make zombie spawns for paired players.


This tutorial will guide you through the steps to make zombie spawns for paired players. In other words, make it so zombies only spawn when players are in a “zone”. This works very well if you are making a map with the paired player spawn points to stop zombies from spawning if you aren’t on a side.

Paired Spawn Points

Before anything, make sure you have the paired spawn points.

In Radiant, make 4 script_structs. For two (2) of them, give them KVPs of:

“script_noteworthy” “south_spawn”
“targetname” “initial_spawn_points”

For the other two, give them KVPs of:

“script_noteworthy” “north_spawn”
“targetname” “initial_spawn_points”

Zombie Spawn Points

Add some zombie spawners, preferably 2-3 of them. Give them all KVPs of:

“spawnflags” “3”
“script_forcespawn” “1”
“count” “9999”
“script_noteworthy” “zombie_spawner”

Important Note: As far as I have seen in my test map, you CANNOT have risers be targeted, so do not use the “script_string” “riser” KVP if targeted by an info_volume.


Zones are info_volumes and trigger zombies to spawn if players are in them.

Make an info_volume and make it so the player spawn points you want to trigger one zombie_spawner are inside of it.

Make another info_volume and do the same thing. Example below:

Give one of the info_volumes a KVP of:

“targetname” “mynorth_upstairs_volume”

Give the other info_volume a KVP of:

“targetname” “mysouth_upstairs_volume”

Now, select one (1) of the info_volumes and Shift + Click to select one of the zombie_spawners. Click W to have the info_volume target the zombie_spawner.

Do the same thing for the other info_volume, but on a different zombie_spawner.


Here is an example setup:


[HOG]Rampage (for the tutorial)
SparkyMcSparks (for the example map that lead me to the discovery of this stuff)

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