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Speech effects
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Here is a full list of speech effect you can use in your maps

Speech Effects

Speech effects are sound files that create soldier conversations.

As there are many thousands of sound files within the game we have selected a small number that will allow you to get started on adding speech within your of missions. The structure of these sound files will be in the following format:

{ actor="radio", say= "dem1_x09_sab_01" },  

Where it specifies actor, this will be the individual soldiers entity name and can be different in your own games. If the effect is a radio sound file (e.g. a message received over the radio), then it will specify radio as the actor name.


The following is a list of some of the speech effects that you can use in the game to generate conversations between the player(s) and command.

Command Short Description
{ actor="player", say= "dem1_x01_hid_01" }, On ground moving to secure LZ
{ actor="player", say= "dem1_x01_hid_02" },         Solid copy on all
{ actor="player", say= "dem1_x01_hid_03" },         To marines - ok target is PLA radar array, track it down and eliminate it
{ actor="radio", say= "dem1_x01_sab_01" }, Fleet is inbound and in range soon
{ actor="radio", say= "dem1_x01_sab_02" },         Tasked with eliminating radar
{ actor="player", say= "dem1_x02_hid_01" }, Solid copy, hold till given all clear
{ actor="radio", say= "dem1_x02_sab_01"}, Hold and defend while sabre 1 and 3 are inserted
{ actor="radio", say= "dem1_x03_sab_01"}, Sabre 1 and 3 are on the ground, proceed to first objective
{ actor="radio", say= "dem1_03_sab_01" },       Understood, proceed with caution
{ actor="player", say= "dem1_x03_sab_02" }, Fleet arriving in 5 mikes      
{ actor="player", say= "dem1_x03_sab_03" }, Fleet arriving in 2 mikes
{ actor="player", say= "dem1_x03_sab_04" }, Fleet in range - mission aborted
{ actor="player", say= "dem1_03_m04_01" } Eyes on radar site
{ actor="player", say= "dem1_x04_hid_01" }, We have eyes on radar array
{ actor="player", say= "dem1_x04_hid_02" }, Charges placed and primed
{ actor="player", say= "dem1_x04_hid_03" }, Target is eliminated. how copy. over
{ actor="player", say= "dem1_x04_hid_04" }, Copy that. Stand by. Out
{ actor="radio", say= "dem1_x04_sab_01" }, Provide over watch on village
{ actor="radio", say= "dem1_x04_sab_02" }, Fleet now in range, guns at your disposal
{ actor="player", say= "dem1_x05_hid_01" }, Good effect on targets
{ actor="radio", say= "dem1_x05_sab_01" }, Render assistance to capture of village
{ actor="radio", say= "dem1_x06_sab_01" }, Be advised. Trident is inbound to LZ now. Out
{ actor="radio", say= "dem1_x06_sab_02" }, Targets of opportunity on north of island
{ actor="player", say= "dem1_x06_hid_01" }, Roger, targets on the north
{ actor="player", say= "dem1_x07_hid_01" }, Trident is down
{ actor="player", say= "dem1_x07_hid_02" }, Copy, engaging now
{ actor="radio", say= "dem1_x07_sab_01" }, Trident reporting multiple light vehicles - clear LZ
{ actor="radio", say= "dem1_x07_sab_02" }, Trident holding for all clear
{ actor="radio", say= "dem1_x07_hid_03" }, LZ clear come on in
{ actor="radio", say= "dem1_x07_sab_03" }, Copy that pop smoke at LZ
{ actor="radio", say= "dem1_x08_hid_01" }, Located PLA defence site in the northwest
{ actor="player", say= "dem1_x08_hid_03" }, Located strong defences at lighthouse
{ actor="radio", say= "dem1_x08_sab_01" }, Copy that you are weapons free
{ actor="radio", say= "dem1_x08_sab_02" }, Copy that your cleared to engage
{ actor="radio", say= "dem1_x08_sab_03" }, Acknowledged, fire at will
{ actor="radio", say= "dem1_x09_sab_01" }, Copy, either continue recon or fall back to LZ
{ actor="radio", say= "dem1_x09_sab_02" }, Copy, Trident is standing by for Extraction, advise when in position
{ actor="player", say= "dem1_x09_hid_01" },         Sam site eliminated
{ actor="player", say= "dem1_x09_hid_02" },         Sunburn launcher neutralised
{ actor="radio", say= "dem1_x09_hid_03" }, Defence site down.      
{ actor="radio", say= "dem1_x09_hid_04" }, Another defence site taken down
{ actor="player", say= "dem1_x10_hid_01"}, Mission Completed, we are RTB over
{ actor="radio", say= "dem1_x10_sab_01" }, Congrats, get some rest etc
{actor="radio", say= { "INF1_x01_DG1_01",}, All daggers this is Dagger One, all units deployed. Standby for smoke, danger close
{actor="radio", say= { "INF1_x01_DG1_02",}, The beach has to be cleared, and that's not going to happen if the AAVP's get taken down. Priority targets are PLA anti tank teams. Search and destroy AT units on the rout inland. How copy?
{actor="radio", say= "INF1_x02_DG1_01"}, Dagger One Bravo, this is Dagger One. AAVP threat indicator reports AT Gunner on their left flank. Find and eliminate this target. Out.
{actor="radio", say= "INF1_x02_DG1_02"}, Dagger One Bravo, this is Dagger One. AAVP is reporting additional threat from direction of smoked out Type Niner Seven, how copy
{actor="radio", say= "INF1_x02_DG1_03"}, Dagger One Bravo, AAVP is reporting AT threat from the farmhouse. Move rapidly to eliminate this target, out.
{actor="radio", say= "INF1_04_DG1_01"}, Armour Support is taking fire, suppress those enemy positions
{actor="radio",         say= "INF1_05_DG1_01"}, Provide covering fire for the APCs, the enemy is concentrating fire
{actor="radio",         say= "INF1_06_DG1_01"}, All our Armour Support has been eliminated or immobilised, your on your own
{actor="hunter", say= { "INF1_x01_HUN_01",}, Dagger One this is Dagger One Bravo, Solid Copy, we are Oscar Mike.
{actor="hunter", say= { "INF1_x01_HUN_02",}, Alright, Dagger One wants us to keep any AT Teams off our AAVP’s back until we clear the beach.
{actor="hunter", say= { "INF1_x01_HUN_03",},  This is going to get pretty intense – just stay focussed and be aggressive.
{actor="hunter", say= { "INF1_x01_HUN_04"}, That’s our signal, go, go, go!
{actor="hunter", say= "INF1_x03_HUN_01"}, Dagger One! this is Dagger One Bravo! We have eyes on a Type Niner Seven moving to the beach along the main road, over
{actor="hunter", say= "INF1_x03_HUN_02"}, Dagger One, this is Dagger One Bravo.. err… interrogative, engage with what, sir? We have no AT weapons, over.
{actor="hunter", say= "INF1_x03_HUN_03"}, Copy that.
{actor="hunter", say= "INF1_x03_HUN_04"},          We need to find PLA equipment, look for one of the AT gunners, or some ammo crates.
{actor="hunter", say= "INF1_x05_HUN_01"}, Dagger One, this is Dagger One Bravo. Copy that sir, we’re going to need some cover fire – there’s a lot of open ground
{actor="hunter", say= "INF1_x05_HUN_02"}, Alpha’s taken 3 mortar hits – someone knows we’re here. Dagger One thinks there’s a spotter team on the ridgeline, and we’re going to take them out.
{actor="hunter", say= "INF1_x05_HUN_03"}, Rest of the squad’s going to give us cover fire – let’s get up there, and if you see any PLA up there, take them the fuck out. Ready?
{actor="hunter", say= "INF1_x05_HUN_04"}, Let’s move!
{actor="hunter", say= "INF1_x06_HUN_01"}, Dagger One this is Dagger One Bravo. No-one’s left up here, sir. Expect the mortar fire to stop shortly
{actor="hunter", say= "INF1_x07_HUN_01"}, Dagger One, this is Dagger One Bravo, come in, over.
{actor="hunter", say= "INF1_x07_HUN_02"}, Dagger One, this is Dagger One Bravo. Solid copy on all, out.
{actor="hunter", say= "INF1_x07_HUN_03"}, PLA’s got SAMs tucked away around this village. We’ve got to take them out before they take out our Cobras. Let’s move.
{actor="hunter", say= "INF1_07_HUN_01"}, Eyes on target
{actor="marine01", say= "INF1_07_M01_01"}, Target in sight
{actor="marine02", say= "INF1_07_M02_01"}, Eyes on target
{actor="marine03", say= "INF1_07_M03_01"}, Target in sight, standing by
{actor="marine01", say= "INF1_15_M01_01"}, Dagger One, this is Dagger One Bravo. Roger that.
{actor="marine02", say= "INF1_15_M02_01"}, Dagger One, this is Dagger One Bravo. Copy that.
{actor="marine03", say= "INF1_15_M03_01"}, Dagger One, this is Dagger One Bravo. Acknowledged.
{actor="marine01", say= "INF8_11_M01_01"}, Dagger One this is Dagger One Bravo. Target is KIA
{actor="marine02", say= "INF8_11_M02_01"}, Dagger One this is Dagger One Bravo. Target is down.
{actor="marine03", say= "INF8_11_M03_01"}, Dagger One this is Dagger One Bravo. Target is dead.
{actor="radio", say= "INF1_x03_DG1_01"}, Copy that Bravo, AAVP switching to HEDP rounds, stand by
{actor="radio", say= "INF1_x03_DG1_02"}, Copy that Bravo, move swiftly to engage target, over
{actor="radio", say= "INF1_x03_DG1_03"}, Dagger One Bravo, this is Dagger One. See if any of those PLA teams' AT kit is still operational. Get creative and get the job done. Happy hunting. Out.
{actor="radio", say= "INF1_x04_DG1_01"}, All Daggers, form up, prepare to assault village half a click South of your position.
{actor="radio", say= "INF1_x04_DG1_02"}, All Daggers, alpha reports their taking accurate PLA mortar fire. Lead AAVP is down, recommend evasive action.
{actor="radio", say= "INF1_x04_DG1_03"}, Dagger One Bravo, this is Dagger One. Alpha is reporting possible PLA spotters on the ridgeline to the south of your position. Assault that position and take their spotters out of commission
{actor="radio", say= "INF1_x05_DG1_01"}, Copy that, stand by.
{actor="radio", say= "INF1_x05_DG1_02"}, All Daggers from Dagger One, we need suppressive fire on the hillside at the foot of the radio mast. Light it up. Dagger One out.
{actor="radio", say= "INF1_x06_DG1_01"}, Copy that, good work Bravo. Get eyes on the village objective, out.
{actor="radio", say= "INF1_x06_DG1_02"}, All daggers, proceed to village objective. Be aggressive, watch for crossfire. CAS inbound, call sign Hydra, ETA 2 mikes. Dagger One out.
{actor="radio", say= "INF1_x07_DG1_01"}, Dagger One Bravo, this is Dagger One, Over
{actor="radio", say= "INF1_x07_DG1_02"}, Hydra is reporting 2, maybe 3 missile threats surrounding the village. They’re coming around for another pass Your new task is to find and eliminate all AA teams around the village before they re-enter the AO – how copy?
{actor="radio", say= "INF1_x08_DG1_01"}, Dagger One Bravo, this is Dagger One, Copy that. Hydra reports at least two further threats in your AO. Dagger One out.
{actor="radio", say= "INF1_x08_DG1_02"}, Copy that Bravo
{actor="radio", say= "INF1_x08_DG1_03"}, Dagger One Bravo, this is Dagger One, Copy that, outstanding work. Recommend you secure a defensive position inside the village and rejoin the rest of the squad. Dagger One out.
{actor="radio", say= "INF1_x09_DG1_02"}, All Daggers, this is Dagger One. Hydra is now RTB. Out
{actor="radio", say= "INF1_x10_DG1_01"}, All Daggers from Dagger One. Secure the village, seek defensive positions. PLA counter attack is inbound on your position. Dagger One out.
{actor="radio", say= "INF1_x10_DG1_02"}, Dagger One Bravo, you are to cover the road to the south, leading from the airfield. Secure the marked structure. No PLA are to pass your position or gain access to your sector – How copy?
{actor="radio", say= "INF1_x10_DG1_03"}, Dagger One Bravo, be advised, Alpha unable to hold - Northern edge of the village has been breached. Watch your backs. Dagger One out.
{actor="radio", say= "INF1_x10_DG1_04"}, Dagger One Bravo, be advised, Delta unable to hold - Eastern edge of the village has been breached. Watch your backs. Dagger One out.
{actor="radio", say= "INF1_x11_DG1_01"}, All Daggers, this is Dagger One. Enemy is now withdrawing from the village area – beach head is secure. Outstanding work. CASEVAC inbound – hold your position. Dagger One out.
{actor="radio", say= "INF3_x11_DG1_03"}, This is Dagger 1, copy that. Dagger 1 Bravo. RTB, mission is scrubbed. Out.
{actor="radio", say= "INF2_13_DG1_01"}, Acknowledged. Fall back to defensive positions. Expedite.
{actor="hunter", say= "INF1_x08_HUN_01"}, Dagger One this is Dagger One Bravo, we have eliminated one SAM team, how copy?
{actor="hunter", say= "INF1_x08_HUN_02"}, Dagger One this is Dagger One Bravo, we have eliminated a second SAM team. Continuing to search for third
{actor="hunter", say= "INF1_x08_HUN_03"},          Dagger One this is Dagger One Bravo, third SAM team is down. Tell Hydra AO is clear, over.
{actor="hunter", say= "INF1_x10_HUN_01"}, Dagger One this is Dagger One Bravo. Solid copy – defend south of village. out.
{actor="hunter", say= "INF1_x10_HUN_02"}, Alright, we’re holding the road from the south into the village. So long as nothing breached our sector, we’ve done our job. Dig in – get ready.
{actor="hunter", say= "INF3_x13_HUN_03"}, Dagger 1, this is Dagger 1 Bravo. We’ve lost the pilot, repeat, pilot is KIA.
{actor="marine01", say= "INF1_15_M01_01"}, Roger that
{actor="marine02", say= "INF1_15_M02_01"}, Copy that
{actor="marine03", say= "INF1_15_M03_01"}, Acknowledged
{actor="marine01", say= "INF3_21_M01_01"}, Dagger 1, this is Dagger 1 Bravo. We’ve lost the pilot, repeat, pilot is KIA.
{actor="marine02", say= "INF3_21_M02_01"}, Dagger 1, this is Dagger 1 Bravo. Be advised, Pilot is KIA.
{actor="marine03", say= "INF3_21_M03_01"}, Dagger 1, this is Dagger 1 Bravo. We’ve lost the pilot, repeat, pilot is KIA.

 Other Useful Speech items

Command Short Description
{ actor="radio", say= "cs_sabre_2" }, Sabre2
{ actor="radio", say= "leave_mssn_sab" }, Leaving mission boundary - come back !
{ actor="radio", say= "LEAVE_MSSN_DG1"}, You are off mission area - return to combat zone immediately
{ actor="player", say= "SPC1_10_M04_01" }, Charge in place
          { actor="player", say= "SPC1_10_M05_01" }, Charge set
{ actor="player", say= "SPC1_10_M06_01" }, Charges positioned good to go
{ actor="player", say= "SPC2_06_M06_01"}, That’s a wrap
{ actor="player", say= "SPC2_21_M04_01" },                   Helicopter down!
{ actor="player", say= "SPC2_21_M05_01" }, Helicopter down!
{ actor="player", say= "SPC2_21_M06_01" }, Helicopter down!
{ actor="radio", say= "SPC2_25_SAB_01" },          Roger. Hold position and await further orders.
{ actor="player", say= "SPC3_07_M04_02" }, Acknowledged
{ actor="player", say= "SPC6_08_M05_01" }, Mission accomplished, target neutralised
{ actor="player", say= "DEM1_04_M04_01" }, We have the SAM site and are ready to proceed
{ actor="player", say= "DEM1_04_M05_01" }, We have eyes on SAM
{ actor="player", say= "DEM1_04_M06_01" }, We have the SAM site spotted
{ actor="player", say= "DEM1_05_M04_01" }, Enemy radar is down
{ actor="player", say= "DEM1_05_M06_01" }, Primary target has been eliminated. Over
{ actor="radio", say= "DEM1_08_SAB_01" }, Expedite attack on radar
{ actor="player", say= "DEM1_10_M04_01" }, Ready for EVAC over
{ actor="player", say= "DEM1_11_DEL_01" }, LZ is too hot. Suppress some of those hostiles.
{ actor="player", say= "DEM1_12_M05_01" }, Roger
{ actor="player", say= "DEM1_12_M06_01" }, Roger that
{actor="marine01", say= "INF2_12_HUN_01"}, Under heavy fire.
{actor="marine02", say= "INF2_12_HUN_01"}, We're not set up to take these guys.
{actor="marine03", say= "INF2_12_HUN_01"}, We need to fall back!
{actor="hunter", say= "INF2_12_HUN_01"}, Heavy contact at our position.


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