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Adding SFX
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SFX using Line emitters, single script structs and trigger multiples, with working soundalias


1. Line emitter          <---- Loops a sound effect
2. Single script struct  <---- playing Single sound effects
3. Single script struct  <---- playing multiple sound effects
4. Trigger multiple      <---- playing a sound effect multiple times
5. Trigger once          <---- playing a sound effect once only
6. Voice overs           <---- plays in game stock sound effects
7. Soundalias            <---- plays your selected sound effects

Just to be on the safe side I have uploaded my working soundalias in Call of Duty> World at war>Tutorials, the reason for this is because I had to edit this file here on MOL so I'm not sure if you copy and paste the soundalias header it will have the right spaces.

I will be updating this tutorial at a later date on how to add ambient packages. If you find this tutorial helpfull please tell other people.


Quite a few people have problems with adding sound effects to their maps, so hopefully by the time you have read this tutorial you will have a better understanding of how it all works and have some great sound effects in your maps which will greatly enhance the ambience and atmosphere
of your map.

One of the biggest problems for a lot of people is trying to localise the sound so it isn't heard all over the map AND! by everyone, the way round this is to use a 'line emitter' by using this method the only player to here the specified sound is the one that goes near it, also! The other good thing about a 'line emitter is, as you approach it the sound gets louder and vica versa when you walk away the sound starts fading, which adds a certain realism as this is what happens in real life.

Please don't be put off by the size of this tutorial, its not as involved as you think it is, the reason it is this big is because I have tried to make it a step by step beginners guide, so there are a lot of explanations to try and help you to understand how it all works.

I personally like to have all the sounds I am using in the same place, and to do this I make a folder with my maps name which at the moment is vm_jungle.


I then copy all the sounds I am using into this folder, it is also important to note that when refering to the folder SFX in your script files it should ALWAYS! be in capitals.

The other thing I have done is, included a fully working soundalias at the bottom of this tutorial so all you have to do is copy and paste the lines you need into your own soundalias, and then edit the paths.

Befor we start you must check your zone file and make sure you have these lines added.


Also! Make sure your maps name is there, although these lines are generated utomatically, occasionally they are accidentally removed, without these lines you will not have any sound in your map.



Line emitters play a continuous looping sound. Good for rivers, rain, waterfalls etc

Adding the script structs.

1.   Right click in the 2d screen, scroll down and select script struct.
2.   Place the first script struct where you want the line to start.
3.   Right click in the 2d screen again and select script struct.
4.   Now place the second one where you want the line to end.
5.   Now deselect everything by pressing Esc.

Now you need to join them together.

1.   High light the first script struct.
2.   Now high light the second script struct.
3.   With both of them high lighted press 'w'.

You should now see a red line appear with little arrows on it linking the two script structs together, that is your line emitter now created.

4.   Press esc to deselect everything and save your map.

Now you need to decide what sound effect you want to use, for this example we are going to use 'brook_00.wav' we also need to add a label to point to the sound effect, so if you look at 'targetname' & 'script_sound' you will see that I have used the label 'brookrun' its better to use a label associated with the SFX sample you are going to use, because its a small stream I have labeled it 'brookrun'.

The next thing to do is to add the key/values to the first script struct which will play a specified sound effect from your 'soundalias' file.

High light the first script struct, the one with the red arrows pointing away from it and press the 'n' key to bring up the entity window.


These are the four you need to add

   KEY             VALUE

script_label       line_emitter
targetname      brookrun
script_sound     brookrun
script_looping   1

These four are generated automatically

classname       script_struct
target             auto113
angles            0 2.50448e-006 0
struct             -1651 1204.7 24


These four are generated automatically so there is no need to do anything to this one.

  KEY              VALUE

angles           0 2.50448e-006 0
classname      script_struct
targetname    auto113
struct             -1651 1910 24

Also note that each script_struct should have its own unique targetname & script_sound, this way it doesn't get confused and try to play several different SFX at the same time, as you can imagine, if every script_struct had the same ones and you added a different sound effect for each one in your soundalias it would try to play all of them at the same time.

The label 'brookrun' is the first thing in the line, this is what the script_struct is looking for so it knows to play the right sound effect, once you have chosen your sound effect then you would change the path accordingly.

Now we need to make the 'soundalias' make a file in 'raw/soundaliases called mp_yourmapsname.csv, remember to replace 'yourmapsname' with the name of your map.

Now copy and paste these lines into your soundalias then save it.

reverb_send,lfe percentage,center percentage,platform,envelop_min,envelop_max,envelop percentage,occlusion_level,

# Ambient SFX - Static,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

That is your line emitter all done, Now! If you compile your map you should have a fully working line emitter.


2. Single script struct Playing a single sound effect

A single script stuct will play a sound effect at random times.

Putting script structs in the right place will make the overall ambience a lot more atmospheric.

crickets  = ground
flies      = in the air
birds     = in the trees

and so on

For this example we are going to use 'crickets_00.wav' we also need to add a label to point to the sound effect, so if you look at 'targetname' & 'script_sound' you will see that I have used the label 'cric' its better to use a label associated with the SFX sample you are going to use, because its crickets I want to use I have labeled it 'cric'.

Adding the script struct.

1.   Right click in the 2d screen, scroll down and select script struct.
2.   Place the script struct where you want the sound effect to play from.

The next thing to do is to add the key/values to the script struct which will play a specified sound effect from your 'soundalias' file.

High light the script struct and press the 'n' key to bring up the entity window.

These are the five you need to add

   KEY                  VALUE

script_label          random
targetname         cric
script_sound        cric
script_wait_min    10
script_wait_max   20

These two are generated automatically

classname        script_struct
origin               334.3 335.3 25

Also note that each script_struct should have its own unique targetname & script_sound, this way it doesn't get confused and try to play several different SFX at the same time, as you can imagine, if every script_struct had the same ones and you added a different sound effect for each one in your soundalias it would try to play all of them at the same time.

The label 'cric' is the first thing in the line, this is what the script_struct is looking for so it knows to play the right sound effect, once you have chosen your sound effect then you would change the path accordingly.

Now we need to make the 'soundalias' make a file in 'raw/soundaliases called mp_yourmapsname.csv, remember to replace 'yourmapsname' with the name of your map.

Now copy and paste these lines into your soundalias then save it.

reverb_send,lfe percentage,center percentage,platform,envelop_min,envelop_max,envelop percentage,occlusion_level,

# Ambient SFX - Static,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

That is your single scritp_struct all done done, Now! If you compile your map you should have a fully working single script struct.


3. Single script struct playing multiple sound effects

Refer to '2. Single script structs Playing a single sound effect', everything is the same untill it comes to editing your 'soundalias'

If you look at the first line and the line below that one you will see there are two differences, the number one has been added at the beginning of the line and the sound effect is a different one.


     /\                                  /\

And this is how you would play several different sounds using a single script struct, using crickets as an example, this is what it would look like.


Rather than have the same sound repeating in the same place it will now pick a sound effect from the four I have used and play them randomly, this greatly enhances the ambient sound of your map.

so now! your soundalias would look like this.

reverb_send,lfe percentage,center percentage,platform,envelop_min,envelop_max,envelop percentage,occlusion_level,

# Ambient SFX - Static,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

4. Trigger multiple

Trigger multiple will loop a sound effect for as long as the player is touching the trigger, good for thunder, lightning & impact sounds such as distant gun fire. Another good thing to remember is to use a Xmodel associated with the sound you are going to use.

For this sound effect we are going to need a 'Xmodel', 'trigger_multiple', and a 'sfx.gsc' and because I am going to be using some one talking on a radio, the Xmodel I will be using is a radio, I have also included part of my 'sfx.gsc'from my first map mp_jungle, and a example of using two trigger

So! The first thing to do is right click in the 2d view and go to misc>model, select the Xmodel you wish to use and place it where you want the sound to come from, I have used the Xmodel 'radio_japanese', now we need to make it a 'script_model.

High light the Xmodel, right click in the 2d window and select script>model, this will automatically change the value from misc_model to script_model.

Now we need to add the key/values to the Xmodel which will play a specified sound effect from your 'soundalias' file via the sfx.gsc.

High light the Xmodel and press the 'n' key to bring up the entity window.

This is the one you need to add

   KEY                 VALUE

targetname         radio

These four are generated automatically

angles           0 90 0
model           radio_japanese
classname     script_model
origin           -202 1003 65

The next thing to do is add the trigger, in the 2d view drag a box and texture it with the 'trigger texture' in 'textures>usage>tools', make sure you cover the area that you want the sound to be triggered from, EG: If its in a room then make the trigger the same size as the rooms floor and put it just above the floor.

High light your triggerand  right click in the 2d view again and select 'trigger>multiple'

Now we need to add the key/values to the trigger, which when triggered will tell the script_model to read the sfx.gsc which will then tell the soundalias to play the correct sound.

High light the trigger and press the 'n' key to bring up the entity window.

This is the one you need to add

   KEY                VALUE

targetname       radiotrig

This one is generated automatically

classname    trigger_multiple

Now we need to move on to the script files.

The next thing to do is make your mp_yourmapsname_sfx.gsc file and put it in the raw/maps/mp/ folder, make sure you replace 'yourmapsname with the name of your map.

now copy and paste these lines into it then save it.

thread radio();
radio = getent("radio", "targetname");
trig = getent("radiotrig", "targetname");
while (1)
trig waittill("trigger");
radio playsound("talk_01");
wait (36);

It is also important to note that where it says 'wait (36); this is the length of the sample in seconds, if you use a different sample you will need to find out the length of it and change the value (36), so if its 2 minutes long then the (36) would become (120), if you do not do this then the sample will start playing repeatedly and start overlapping itself till in the end you can't make out what the sample actually is.

Now we need to add lines to your .gsc file and zone file.



zone file


remember to replace 'yourmapsname' with the name of your map.

That is your trigger multiple all done, Now! If you compile your map you should have a fully working Trigger Multiple.


Example of using two trigger_multiples

thread radio();
thread generator();
radio = getent("radio", "targetname");
trig = getent("radiotrig", "targetname");
while (1)
trig waittill("trigger");
radio playsound("talk_01");
wait (36);
generator = getent("generator", "targetname");
trig = getent("generatortrig", "targetname");
while (1)
trig waittill("trigger");
generator playsound("run_01");
wait (3);

5. Trigger once

Refer to 3. Trigger Multiple

This is used if you only want the player to hear the sound once and not repeatedly

Everything is the same except the 'trigger' when you right click in the 2d view and select trigger, instead of selecting multiple you would select 'once'


6. Voiceovers

In raw/soundaliases you will find a file called 'multiplayer.csv', this is the file you need to edit, but befor we do you need to make a copy of it so if anything does go wrong you will always have the original, do not worry about changing or adding anything to this file as it is not used by the stock maps when playing WAW, to get the voiceovers in your map is very simple.

open up the file 'multiplayer.csv' go to the menu in your text editor, (I use notepad) and got to 'edit>replace'

Find what    = mp_dome                  you can select any of the stock map names it doesn't matter, I just chose mp_dome as an example
replace with = mp_yourmapsname    remember to replace 'yourmapsname' with the name of your map.

Now select 'replace all'

Once it has replaced all references to the map you chose then save it.

Thats it! you now have voiceovers in your map.


7. Soundalias Fully working

This soundalias file will work with all four sounds covered in this tutorial.

This is the soundalias file for my map mp_vm_jungle

reverb_send,lfe percentage,center percentage,platform,envelop_min,envelop_max,envelop percentage,occlusion_level,

# Ambient SFX - Static,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


This is how it actually breaks down

Line emitter playing looped sound effects


Single script struct playing a single sound effect


Single script struct playing multiple sound effects



I would like to thank zeroy and Wakka for all their help in helping me to get sounds working properly in my map, without their help this tutorial would not be possible.

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