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Instructor Hints
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While you should strive to make player goals clear through the use of lighting and map design, you will often find that it is helpful to provide progression information on screen.

Creating a custom hint

The two required entities.

First, place a new entity of class env_instructor_hint. This allows you to control and specify the hint parameters.

Additionally, the hint will also need a 3D location in your map to appear and to control visibility. We can do this by creating a client-side entity to point to. The easiest way to accomplish this is to place a named info_target entity and enabling the "transmit to client" (respect PVS) flag. This can be found under the Flags tab of the properties dialog when the info_target is selected. Once you assign the info_target as the Target Entity of the env_instructor_hint, you should see your hint in game.

The caption text that you specify should now appear to players in game.

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Nice, and there still using the logo and template for the screenshots, which...
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dundy writes...Quote:Call of Duty modding and mapping is barly alive only a ...
Codutility.com up and runn...
Mystic writes...Quote:It seems to me the like the site is completely dead? ...
Codutility.com up and runn...
It seems to me the like the site is completely dead?

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