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Category: CoD4 General
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Author Topic: Missing .prj File
General Member
Since: May 29, 2016
Posts: 2
Last: May 30, 2016
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Level 0
Category: CoD4 General
Posted: Sunday, May. 29, 2016 06:01 pm

I've searched in every folder, multiple times, for the mysterious .prj file that's supposed to be included in the game's root folder, but nothing is there. I'm trying to open Radiant, and I obviously can't do it without a .prj file, so I'm stuck at getting started. I'm up to date on all of the patches, and I've downloaded modtools v.1 and 1.1.

What more can I do, here?

Any help is much appreciated...

- S
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General Member
Since: Jul 7, 2012
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Last: Dec 31, 2016
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Level 4
Category: CoD4 General
Posted: Sunday, May. 29, 2016 06:36 pm
try this.

Open Notepad

Copy this:
{ "basepath" ".." "mapspath" "..\\map_source" "entitypath" ".\\cod4.def" "autosave" "autosave.map" "game" "" "basegame" "" "layeredmaterials" "cod4_layered_material_library.txt" }

Paste that copied text to notepad and save it as cod4.prj in Call of Duty 4 mw/bin folder.
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General Member
Since: Jul 7, 2012
Posts: 129
Last: Dec 31, 2016
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Level 4
Category: CoD4 General
Posted: Sunday, May. 29, 2016 06:40 pm
Now copy this and paste in a new file:
// THIS FILE IS AUTOGENERATED, DO NOT MODIFY /*QUAKED info_grenade_hint (0.4 0.6 0.8) (-4 -4 -4) (4 4 4) AI will try to get a grenade to go through this point in space when throwing a grenade. This is how AI understand throwing grenades through windows and doors. */ /*QUAKED info_player_start (1 0 0) (-16 -16 0) (16 16 72) equivelant to info_player_deathmatch */ /*QUAKED func_group (0 0 0) ? Used to group brushes together just for editor convenience. They are turned into normal brushes by the utilities. */ /*QUAKED func_cullgroup (0 .5 .5) ? Used to group brushes together for culling in the portal-based renderer. They are turned into world brushes by the utilities. */ /*QUAKED info_null (0 0.5 0) (-4 -4 -4) (4 4 4) Used as a positional target for calculations in the utilities (spotlights, etc), but removed during gameplay. */ /*QUAKED info_notnull (0 0.5 0) (-4 -4 -4) (4 4 4) Used as a positional target for in-game calculation, like jumppad targets. */ /*QUAKED info_notnull_big (1 0 0) (-16 -16 -24) (16 16 32) info_notnull with a bigger box for ease of positioning */ /*QUAKED light (0 1 0) (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8) PRIMARY_OMNI PRIMARY_SPOT PRIMARY_SCRIPTABLE PRIMARY_NOSHADOWMAP "def" sets which light definition asset to use; these are made in asset manager. This controls the shape of the light falloff curve. "radius" controls the cutoff distance of the light. The light falloff texture maps its left side to the light origin and the right side to the radius. The rightmost pixel in the falloff texture is assumed to be black. "_color" sets the color of the light. The biggest value gets scaled to 1; this means that 0.1 0.1 0.1 is the same as 1 1 1. "intensity" controls how bright a light is when the falloff texture is pure white. A value of 1 is fullbright; smaller values are dimmer. "PRIMARY_OMNI" and "PRIMARY_SPOT", if checked, give the light higher quality lighting and dynamic shadows. Only one primary light may affect each world surface. They both require spotlight settings to control where dynamic shadows lie, but unlike normal spotlights, "PRIMARY_OMNI" lights do not get attenuated by angle from the spot direction. "PRIMARY_SCRIPTABLE" makes a primary light show up as an entity to script. "PRIMARY_NOSHADOWMAP" prevents a primary light from ever having a shadowmap. This is implied by fov_outer > 120. A light pointed at a target will be a spotlight facing the target. They default to having a circle with 64 unit radius around the target. "fov_outer" overrides the fov of a spotlight from the 64 unit circle around the target. It is in degrees. A value of 90 would go +/-45 degrees from center, for 90 degrees total. The default is to use the target to set the fov. "fov_inner" sets the fov of the inner cone. Spotlights only fade with angle between fov_inner and fov_outer. Fov_inner is the same units as fov_outer; it should always be less than fov_outer. The default is 0. "exponent" changes the falloff of the spotlight between "fov_inner" and "fov_outer". The default value of 0 means there is no falloff. A value of 1 gives linear falloff. Higher integers give steeper falloffs. "maxturn" sets how many degrees script is allowed to turn a PRIMARY_SCRIPTABLE light from its initial direction. "maxmove" sets how many units script is allowed to move a PRIMARY_SCRIPTABLE light from its initial position. default:"def" "light_point_linear" default:"radius" "200" default:"_color" "1 1 1" default:"intensity" "1" */ /*QUAKED reflection_probe (0 1 0) (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8) Specify a "color_correction" name if you want non-default color_correction */ /*QUAKED info_volume (1 0 1) ? */ /*QUAKED misc_model (1 0 0) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16) ORIENT_LOD NO_SHADOW NO_STATIC_SHADOWS Optimized static model "model" arbitrary xmodel file to display "modelscale" scale multiplier (defaults to 1x, and scales uniformly) ORIENT_LOD - if flagged, the entity will yaw towards the player when the LOD switches NO_SHADOW - the opaque surfaces will not cast static or dynamic shadows NO_STATIC_SHADOWS - the opaque surfaces will not cast static light map shadows */ /*QUAKED misc_prefab (1 0 0) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16) NO_COLLIDE "model" name of the map to use as the prefab NO_COLLIDE - Ignore all clip geometry in this prefab */ /*QUAKED trigger_use (.3 .5 .8) STARTOFF HAS_USER when activated will use its target "delay" - time (in seconds) before it can be used again "offnoise" - specifies an alternate sound "cursorhint" - sets the cursor hint icon to display when the player looks at it. Default is HINT_ACTIVATE. "hintstring" - hint string to display over the icon. Auto replaces [Use] with the key the player must press. Example: "Press [Use] to plant the bomb" "cursorhint" cursor types: HINT_INHERIT HINT_NONE HINT_ACTIVATE HINT_NOACTIVATE HINT_DOOR HINT_DOOR_LOCKED HINT_MG42 HINT_HEALTH HINT_LADDER HINT_FRIENDLY */ /*QUAKED trigger_use_touch (.3 .5 .8) STARTOFF HAS_USER when the player is touching and activated, the trigger will use its target "delay" - time (in seconds) before it can be used again "offnoise" - specifies an alternate sound "cursorhint" - sets the cursor hint icon to display when the player looks at it. Default is HINT_ACTIVATE. "hintstring" - hint string to display over the icon. Auto replaces [Use] with the key the player must press. Example: "Press [Use] to plant the bomb" "cursorhint" cursor types: HINT_INHERIT HINT_NONE HINT_ACTIVATE HINT_NOACTIVATE HINT_DOOR HINT_DOOR_LOCKED HINT_MG42 HINT_HEALTH HINT_LADDER HINT_FRIENDLY */ /*QUAKED script_brushmodel (0 .5 .8) ? DYNAMICPATH */ /*QUAKED script_model (1 0 0) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16) ORIENT_LOD NO_SHADOW NO_STATIC_SHADOWS ORIENT_LOD - if flagged, the entity will yaw towards the player when the LOD switches NO_SHADOW - the opaque surfaces will not cast static or dynamic shadows NO_STATIC_SHADOWS - the opaque surfaces will not cast static light map shadows */ /*QUAKED script_origin (1 0 0) (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8) */ /*QUAKED script_struct (1 0 0) (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8) */ /*QUAKED info_vehicle_node (0.0 0.8 0.0) (-24 -24 -24) (24 24 24) START_NODE targetname - name of this node target - name of next node in this path speed - speed[mph] vehicle should have at this node lookahead - time[sec] vehicle should look ahead at this node script_VehicleAttackgroup - attacks associated vehicles script_VehicleSpawngroup - spawns associated vehicles and their aigroups script_VehicleStartMove - initiates associated vehicles movement on its path script_vehicleGroupDelete - Deletes associated vehicles and their script_vehiclegroups ai script_vehiclefocusfiregroup - targets associated vehicles to triggering vehicle script_deathroll - turns on and off deathroll for vehicles crossing paths script_lvlmsg - level gets notified with this message when a vehicle hits this pathnode script_crashtype - designates a crashpath apply to start nodes valid strings: "default" (defaults)- crash path is invalidated when vehicle runs through it "forced" - vehicles are forced to do crash path behavior (truck plays swerving out of control animation) "plane" - crash path is not invalidated (multiple vehicles will use the path) */ /*QUAKED info_vehicle_node_rotate (0.2 0.4 1.0) (-24 -24 -24) (24 24 24) START_NODE targetname - name of this node target - name of next node in this path speed - speed[mph] vehicle should have at this node lookahead - time[sec] vehicle should look ahead at this node script_VehicleAttackgroup - attacks associated vehicles script_VehicleSpawngroup - spawns associated vehicles and their aigroups script_VehicleStartMove - initiates associated vehicles movement on its path script_vehicleGroupDelete - Deletes associated vehicles and their script_vehiclegroups ai script_vehiclefocusfiregroup - targets associated vehicles to triggering vehicle script_deathroll - turns on and off deathroll for vehicles crossing paths script_lvlmsg - level gets notified with this message when a vehicle hits this pathnode script_crashtype - designates a crashpath apply to start nodes valid strings: "default" (defaults)- crash path is invalidated when vehicle runs through it "forced" - vehicles are forced to do crash path behavior (truck plays swerving out of control animation) "plane" - crash path is not invalidated (multiple vehicles will use the path) */ /*QUAKED script_vehicle (1 0 0) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16) USABLE targetname - name of this vehicle model - xmodel file to use as vehicle vehicletype - name of vehicle type to use in AssetManager **** _vehicle.gsc script stuff*** script_VehicleAttackgroup - attacks associated vehicles script_VehicleSpawngroup - spawns associated vehicles and their aigroups script_VehicleStartMove - initiates associated vehicles movement on its path script_vehicleGroupDelete - Deletes associated vehicles and their script_vehiclegroups ai script_vehiclefocusfiregroup - targets associated vehicles to triggering vehicle ********************************* */ /*QUAKED worldspawn (0 0 0) ? sun_cameraflare x x x x every map should have exactly one worldspawn. music - Music wav file. Can optionally specify intro & loop files to play ambienttrack - Ambient wav file. gravity - 800 is default gravity message - Text to print during connection process ambient - Ambient light value (single scale, 1 = full bright, 2 = full overbright, must use '_color') _color - Ambient light color (RGB triple, must be used with 'ambient') sunColor - RGB values for direct sunlight color (color only, not brightness, 0-1 scale, works with 'sunlight') sunLight - Intensity of the sun (1 = fullbright, 2 = full overbright for something facing directly at the sun, must use 'suncolor') sunRadiosity - Intensity of the sun used for radiosity. If not set, 'sunLight' is used for radiosity too. Set higher than 'sunLight' to make sun radiosity stronger. sunDiffuseColor - RGB values for diffuse sunlight color (color only, not brightness, 0-1 scale, works with 'diffusefraction') diffuseFraction - fraction of sunlight intensity to come from the diffuse lighting (in range 0-1; eg, 0.5, works with 'sundiffusecolor') sunDirection - pitch-yaw-roll for direction to sun (eg, sundirection -45 135 0). Pitch is usually 0 to -90 and yaw is any angle. sunIsPrimaryLight - set to 0 to make the sun a secondary light. If absent or non-zero, the sun is a primary light. radiosityScale - how much light bounces on each radiosity pass. 1 is the "physically correct" default. Smaller values reduce radiosity, larger values exaggerate it. contrastGain - 0 to 1 scale for adding contrast to bumpmap lighting. 0 is no added contrast, 1 is maximum. Higher values may have artifacts. northyaw yaw angle that denotes the direction of north reflection_color_correction - name of the default color correction to use for reflection probe reflection_ignore_portals - if not 0 or blank ignore portals when finding closest reflection probe for static geometry. coll_node_limit - if set to a non-zero value limit the number of children per node in the collision trees. blocksize - if set to a non-zero use for the blocksize when compiling the map. Blocksize will cut the map geometry, increasing the total geometry and memory but it may help performance in some cases. */ /*QUAKED trigger_multiple (1 .3 .1) ? AI_AXIS AI_ALLIES AI_NEUTRAL NOTPLAYER VEHICLE TRIGGER_SPAWN TOUCH_ONCE wait- : -1 = one time only, otherwise triggers every frame. Variable sized repeatable trigger. **** _vehicle.gsc script stuff*** script_VehicleAttackgroup - attacks associated vehicles script_VehicleSpawngroup - spawns associated vehicles and their aigroups script_VehicleStartMove - initiates associated vehicles movement on its path script_vehicleGroupDelete - Deletes associated vehicles and their script_vehiclegroups ai script_vehiclefocusfiregroup - targets associated vehicles to triggering vehicle ********************************* */ /*QUAKED trigger_radius (1 .3 .1) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16) AI_AXIS AI_ALLIES AI_NEUTRAL NOTPLAYER VEHICLE TRIGGER_SPAWN TOUCH_ONCE wait- : -1 = one time only, otherwise triggers every frame. Adjust radius with alt-'[' and alt-']'. Adjust height with alt-',' and alt-'.'. */ /*QUAKED trigger_disk (0.3 0.4 1) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16) AI_AXIS AI_ALLIES AI_NEUTRAL NOTPLAYER VEHICLE - TOUCH_ONCE wait- : -1 = one time only, otherwise triggers every frame. Adjust radius with alt-'[' and alt-']'. */ /*QUAKED trigger_friendlychain (1 .3 .1) ? AI_AXIS AI_ALLIES AI_NEUTRAL NOTPLAYER Forces any touching entity to be considered on the targeted friendly chain. */ /*QUAKED trigger_hurt (1 .3 .1) ? START_OFF PLAYER_ONLY SILENT NO_PROTECTION SLOW ONCE Any entity that touches this will be hurt. It does dmg points of damage each server frame Targeting the trigger will toggle its on / off state. PLAYER_ONLY - only damages the player SILENT - supresses playing the sound NO_PROTECTION - *nothing* stops the damage SLOW - changes the damage rate to once per second dmg default 5 (whole numbers only)

Add the code from my next reply also to this code!
Too many characters so i could not post it all in one reply
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General Member
Since: Jul 7, 2012
Posts: 129
Last: Dec 31, 2016
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Level 4
Category: CoD4 General
Posted: Sunday, May. 29, 2016 06:41 pm
the entity must be used first before it will count down its life */ /*QUAKED trigger_once (1 .3 .1) ? AI_AXIS AI_ALLIES AI_NEUTRAL NOTPLAYER VEHICLE - - Must be targeted at one or more entities. Once triggered, this entity is destroyed (you can actually do the same thing with trigger_multiple with a wait of -1) */ /*QUAKED trigger_damage (1 .3 .1) ? PISTOL_NO RIFLE_NO PROJ_NO EXPLOSION_NO SPLASH_NO MELEE_NO - - MISC_NO Trigger that responds to taking damage. Damage trigger will trigger if a bullet intersects them or if a projectile or grenade explodes inside the trigger. wait -1 = one time only, otherwise triggers every frame. accumulate If set, this much damage must be accumulated before it will trigger threshold If set, the min amount of damage that must be done to it to trigger it Note that accumulate & threshold can used at the same time. PISTOL_NO turns off response to pistol damage RIFLE_NO turns off response to rifle damage PROJ_NO turns off response to projectile damage from grenades and rockets. Note that turning off projectile damage will also turn off splash damage, whether or not the splash is on. SPLASH_NO turns off response to splash damage from grenades and rockets. MELEE_NO turns off response to melee damage MISC_NO turns off response to all other misc types of damage */ /*QUAKED trigger_lookat (1 .3 .1) */ /*QUAKED node_pathnode (1 0 1) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16) DONT_LINK NOT_CHAIN DONT_STAND DONT_CROUCH DONT_PRONE DONT_LINK - node is not included in navigation data NOT_CHAIN - node cannot start a friendly chain angles - face this way when at this node on a friendly chain */ /*QUAKED node_cover_stand (0 .54 .66) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16) DONT_LINK NOT_CHAIN - DONT_CROUCH DONT_PRONE - PRIORITY DONT_LINK - node is not included in navigation data NOT_CHAIN - node cannot start a friendly chain angles - cover is valid against enemies from this direction previewmdl1="ld_stand_cover_extreme_ref" previewmdl2="ld_stand_firing_ref" previewmdl3="ld_stand_cover_extreme_ref" previewmdl4="ld_stand_cover_firing_ref" */ /*QUAKED node_cover_crouch (0 .93 .72) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16) DONT_LINK NOT_CHAIN DONT_STAND - DONT_PRONE - PRIORITY DONT_LINK - node is not included in navigation data NOT_CHAIN - node cannot start a friendly chain angles - cover is valid against enemies from this direction previewmdl1="ld_crouch_extreme_ref" previewmdl2="ld_crouch_firing_ref" previewmdl3="ld_crouch_extreme_ref" previewmdl4="ld_crouch_firing_ref" */ /*QUAKED node_cover_crouch_window (0 .7 .5) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16) DONT_LINK NOT_CHAIN DONT_STAND - DONT_PRONE DONT_LINK - node is not included in navigation data NOT_CHAIN - node cannot start a friendly chain angles - cover is valid against enemies from this direction -------- MODEL FOR RADIANT ONLY - DO NOT SET THIS AS A KEY -------- previewmdl1="ld_crouch_extreme_ref" previewmdl2="ld_crouch_firing_ref" previewmdl3="ld_crouch_extreme_ref" previewmdl4="ld_crouch_firing_ref" */ /*QUAKED node_cover_prone (0 .60 .46) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16) DONT_LINK NOT_CHAIN DONT_STAND DONT_CROUCH - - PRIORITY DONT_LINK - node is not included in navigation data NOT_CHAIN - node cannot start a friendly chain angles - cover is valid against enemies from this direction previewmdl1="ld_prone_firing_ref" previewmdl2="ld_prone_firing_ref" previewmdl3="ld_prone_firing_ref" previewmdl4="ld_prone_firing_ref" */ /*QUAKED node_cover_right (.85 .85 .10) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16) DONT_LINK NOT_CHAIN DONT_STAND DONT_CROUCH DONT_PRONE - PRIORITY DONT_LINK - node is not included in navigation data NOT_CHAIN - node cannot start a friendly chain angles - cover is valid against enemies from this direction -------- MODEL FOR RADIANT ONLY - DO NOT SET THIS AS A KEY -------- previewmdl1="ld_corner_stand_r_ref" previewmdl2="ld_corner_stand_r_rh_firing_ref" previewmdl3="ld_corner_crouch_r_ref" previewmdl4="ld_corner_crouch_r_rh_firing_ref" */ /*QUAKED node_cover_left (1 .7 0) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16) DONT_LINK NOT_CHAIN DONT_STAND DONT_CROUCH DONT_PRONE - PRIORITY DONT_LINK - node is not included in navigation data NOT_CHAIN - node cannot start a friendly chain angles - cover is valid against enemies from this direction -------- MODEL FOR RADIANT ONLY - DO NOT SET THIS AS A KEY -------- previewmdl1="ld_corner_stand_l_ref" previewmdl2="ld_corner_stand_l_lh_firing_ref" previewmdl3="ld_corner_crouch_l_ref" previewmdl4="ld_corner_crouch_l_lh_firing_ref" */ /*QUAKED node_cover_wide_right (.75 .75 0) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16) DONT_LINK NOT_CHAIN DONT_STAND DONT_CROUCH DONT_PRONE DONT_LINK - node is not included in navigation data NOT_CHAIN - node cannot start a friendly chain angles - cover is valid against enemies from this direction */ /*QUAKED node_cover_wide_left (.75 .525 .375) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16) DONT_LINK NOT_CHAIN DONT_STAND DONT_CROUCH DONT_PRONE DONT_LINK - node is not included in navigation data NOT_CHAIN - node cannot start a friendly chain angles - cover is valid against enemies from this direction */ /*QUAKED node_concealment_stand (0 0 1) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16) DONT_LINK NOT_CHAIN - DONT_CROUCH DONT_PRONE - PRIORITY DONT_LINK - node is not included in navigation data NOT_CHAIN - node cannot start a friendly chain angles - concealment is valid against enemies from this direction previewmdl1="ld_crouch_extreme_ref" previewmdl2="ld_stand_firing_ref" previewmdl3="ld_crouch_extreme_ref" previewmdl4="ld_stand_firing_ref" */ /*QUAKED node_concealment_crouch (0 0 .75) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16) DONT_LINK NOT_CHAIN DONT_STAND - DONT_PRONE - PRIORITY DONT_LINK - node is not included in navigation data NOT_CHAIN - node cannot start a friendly chain angles - concealment is valid against enemies from this direction previewmdl1="ld_crouch_extreme_ref" previewmdl2="ld_crouch_firing_ref" previewmdl3="ld_crouch_extreme_ref" previewmdl4="ld_crouch_firing_ref" */ /*QUAKED node_concealment_prone (0 0 .5) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16) DONT_LINK NOT_CHAIN DONT_STAND DONT_CROUCH - - PRIORITY DONT_LINK - node is not included in navigation data NOT_CHAIN - node cannot start a friendly chain angles - concealment is valid against enemies from this direction previewmdl1="ld_prone_firing_ref" previewmdl2="ld_prone_firing_ref" previewmdl3="ld_prone_firing_ref" previewmdl4="ld_prone_firing_ref" */ /*QUAKED node_reacquire (.52 .52 .60) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16) DONT_LINK NOT_CHAIN DONT_STAND DONT_CROUCH DONT_PRONE DONT_LINK - node is not included in navigation data NOT_CHAIN - node cannot start a friendly chain angles - node can reacquire against enemies in this direction */ /*QUAKED node_balcony (.5 .5 0) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16) DONT_LINK NOT_CHAIN - DONT_CROUCH DONT_PRONE NO_RAILING DONT_LINK - node is not included in navigation data NOT_CHAIN - node cannot start a friendly chain NO_RAILING - the balcony is against a ledge and not a railing angles - the edge is in this direction */ /*QUAKED node_scripted (.72 .72 .83) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16) DONT_LINK NOT_CHAIN DONT_STAND DONT_CROUCH DONT_PRONE DONT_LINK - node is not included in navigation data NOT_CHAIN - node cannot start a friendly chain angles - orients the node for the animation */ /*QUAKED node_negotiation_begin (.5 .6 .5) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16) - - DONT_STAND DONT_CROUCH DONT_PRONE STOP_FIRST STOP_FIRST - if set, the AI comes to a complete stop before starting the node's animation script animscript - name without path or extension of the animation script to play when you reach this node. This script must be in "animscripts/traverse/". Must target a single "node_negotiation_end". Always contributes to navigation data. Can never be included in a friendly chain. */ /*QUAKED node_negotiation_end (.6 .5 .5) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16) - - DONT_STAND DONT_CROUCH DONT_PRONE Must be targeted by a "node_negotiation_begin". Always contributes to navigation data. Can never be included in a friendly chain. */ /*QUAKED node_turret (0 .93 .72) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16) DONT_LINK NOT_CHAIN DONT_STAND - DONT_PRONE - - DONT_LINK - node is not included in navigation data NOT_CHAIN - node cannot start a friendly chain angles - cover is valid against enemies from this direction */ /*QUAKED node_guard (.7 0 0) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16) DONT_LINK NOT_CHAIN DONT_STAND DONT_CROUCH DONT_PRONE - - IDLE DONT_LINK - node is not included in navigation data NOT_CHAIN - node cannot start a friendly chain angles - face this way when at this node on a friendly chain */ /*QUAKED dyn_brushmodel (1 0 0) ? Valid Keys: "type" - Defaults to "clutter" if not set. "clutter": Physics simulated on client, bullet collision on client, no player collision. "destruct": Same as clutter but also takes damage. "physPreset" - The physics preset for this entity. === Destructs Only === "health" - How much health this entity has. It'll trigger a destroy event on death. "destroyEfx" - The effect that plays on a destroy event. "destroyPieces" - The breakable pieces model that plays on a destroy event. */ /*QUAKED dyn_model (1 0 0) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16) Valid Keys: "type" - Defaults to "clutter" if not set. "clutter": Physics simulated on client, bullet collision on client, no player collision. "destruct": Same as clutter but also takes damage. "physPreset" - The physics preset for this entity. === Destructs Only === "health" - How much health this entity has. It'll trigger a destroy event on death. "destroyEfx" - The effect that plays on a destroy event. "destroyPieces" - The breakable pieces model that plays on a destroy event. */ /*QUAKED misc_turret (1 0 0) (-16 -16 0) (16 16 56) pre-placed Spawn Flags: pre-placed - Means it already exists in map. Used by script only. Key Pairs: weaponinfo - weapon info leftarc - horizonal left fire arc. rightarc - horizonal left fire arc. toparc - vertical top fire arc. bottomarc - vertical bottom fire arc. yawconvergencetime - time (in seconds) to converge horizontally to target. pitchconvergencetime - time (in seconds) to converge vertically to target. suppressionTime - time (in seconds) that the turret will suppress a target hidden behind cover maxrange - maximum firing/sight range. aiSpread - spread of the bullets out of the muzzle in degrees when used by the AI playerSpread - spread of the bullets out of the muzzle in degrees when used by the player */ /*QUAKED script_vehicle_mp (1 0 0) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16) USABLE targetname - name of this vehicle model - xmodel file to use as vehicle vehicletype - name of vehicle type to use in AssetManager ********************************* */

Paste this to Notepad and save it as cod4.def file in your CoD4 MW/bin folder.

Make sure when saving other extensions with notepad to have "Save as type" set to All Files.

Now try, hope it helpes! [thumbs_up]
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General Member
Since: May 29, 2016
Posts: 2
Last: May 30, 2016
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Level 0
Category: CoD4 General
Posted: Monday, May. 30, 2016 12:48 am
attachment: image(15.2Kb)
First of all, thanks a million for posting all of this info, TrikX! Unfortunately, I didn't have any luck. This is the error I just received...

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General Member
Since: Jul 7, 2012
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Level 4
Category: CoD4 General
Posted: Monday, May. 30, 2016 11:10 am
I had that error a long time ago, just not sure how i fixed it.

For one, i remember making missingasset.csv file (it's a blank file) in CoD4 main folder, but not sure for what was that, you can try it if you don't have it there, won't hurt!

Second, you can try this http://modsonline.com/Forums-top-95486.html

Also, you could Run Converter on Mod Tools, maybe that could solve the problem!
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