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Creating a New Weapon
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Prometheus shows you how to create a New Weapon for Call of Duty using LightRay3D

Creating a new weapon

You'll need the LR3D plugin and COD tools installed before you can create models for COD.

*I'll use the m1carbine that's included in the COD tools for this example.

1) Create your model's folder in callofduty/tools/model_export/(eg callofduty/tools/model_export/mycarbine/)

(Textures and *.xmodel_export file should be saved in there).
NOTE: files that will be created in xmodelsurfs and xmodelparts folders will be named after this folder.
If you don't store your *.xmodel_export file in a descriptive folder the converted files will have a numeric filename instead(eg 1 or 2)

2) Exporting the model

Import m1carbine.xmodel_export in LR3D(don't import the animation, just the model).

Do NOT include the player arms when exporting a weapon and vice versa.
You can check xmodel/ folder and see the different files for arms and weapons named(respectively):
viewmodel_???weaponname and viewmodel_hands_???.
Unless feature versions of the plugin takes care of files that contain both arms and weapon you should delete either the arms or weapon when

Delete player arms and bones.
Export the model as and save it in your model's folder(eg
NOTE: Put the textures in this folder too.Remember to add metal@ prefix to the texture filename.

THE ASSET MANAGER: A front-end editor.You also can manually open and edit some of the files using NotePad.

3) Run the asset manager and create a game data file( *.gdt) or open an existing one.
NOTE: Each gdt file can hold information ab
out a lot of different types of assets (eg models, animations, weapons, characters etc.).
You can have a gdt file for your whole MOD.

a) Create the version of the model(pickable)
Select "xmodel" from the list below and press "new entry".
Type the name you want(eg "weapon_MyM1Carbine").
ALWAYS add a "weapon_" prefix.

Some options will be shown on the right side of the window.
In the field select "rigid" for static weapons, "viewmodel" for player-ai weapons, "viewhands" for player arms/hands.
Browse and select the xmodel_export file.
NOTE: LOD(level of detail) meshes are low-poly versions of the normal model.
They are used when model is too far away(given distance you specify) in order to increase performance(less polygons drawn).
You can use PolyChop modifier to create and export medium,low versions of the model.

You don't have to fill any other fields, the model will work fine at this point.
Save the gdt file as in tools/model_export/ folder.

b) Create the version of the model

Now, add a new entry and name it .
Set "viewmodel" instead of "rigid" and select the same filename(you may have 2 different versions for static and viewmodel models).

Save the gdt file.

4) Run the converter to create the in-game files(tools/bin/converter.exe)
If something is wrong, converter will output an error message.
Make sure your model meshes have a material assigned and the textures are placed in the same folder where your *.xmodel_export file exists.

The resulting files will be placed in the following folders:
tools/game/main/xmodel (model file, contains info about bones,meshes files and textures)
tools/game/main/xmodelparts (bones)
tools/game/main/xmodelsurfs (meshes)

5) Create the weapon entity

Last, you must create a entity that will be used in game and in Radiant.
If you have closed Asset Manager, reopen and load your gdt file.
Select and add a new entry.Name it .
Set "1:Single-Player" or "2:Multi-Player" for mp to targetFolder(you can use same model files).
(The folders are tools/game/main/weapons/sp and tools/game/main/weapons/mp)
Set the displayName of the weapon (eg MyM1Carbine)-displayed in game.
Adjust other options eg weaponClass: Rifle, damage, weaponSlot:Primary etc.

Scroll down and find radiantName.Set a name for radiant(eg mym1carbine).

Scroll down more and set the model filenames we just converted.
World model is the static(pickable) model, gunModel is the viewmodel and handModel the player arms.

That's the basic adjustments.You can alter,set any other options you want.
Save the gdt file.
You can close the asse manager now.

- Run the converter.exe again to compile the weapon entity -

The resulting file will be saved in tools/game/main/weapons/sp or mp for multi-player.
You can open and edit this file with NotePad.

6) Create your pk3 and add folders/files.
skins/ texture file(s)
xmodel/ the file created in callofduty/tools/game/main/xmodel/
xmodelsurfs/ the file created in callofduty/tools/game/main/xmodelsurfs/
xmodelparts/ the file created in callof
weapons/sp/ the file created in callofduty/tools/game/weapons/sp/
AND/OR(multi-player): weapons/mp/ the file created in callofduty/tools/game/weapons/mp/

You will find the files by the "mym1" prefix.

7) Put the pak in callofduty/main/ folder and run Radiant.
Press right mouse button in the viewport and select weapons/mym1carbine.

This tutorial was originally posted by Prometheus at LightRay3D

You can get LightRay3D here

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