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Toolbars / Dialogs
Versions: You must be logged in to view history.
Guide to the basic interface


*Note: Most (if not all) of toolbars' operations are found in menu too.
If you want to see a description of the buttons functionality try placing the cursor over a button and wait for the tooltip info.

The I/O toolbar.
(New,Open,Save,Save As,Import,Export).

The main toolbar.
(Undo, Select From Scene List, Link, Unlink, Numerical Position-Rotation-Scale, Rect-Circle-Contour selection mode,
Pick,Move,Rotate,Scale,World-Screen-Local coordinates).

The second main toolbar.
(Align, Lock Pivot, Reset Transform, Center Pivot To Object, Center Object To Pivot, Enable/Disable Inverse Kinematics).

The viewports' toolbar.
(Pan, Rotate, Zoom, Maximize/Minimize views, Reset View, Wireframe, Flat,Smooth , Textured Flat, Textured Smooth).

The animation toolbar.
TPF(ticks per frame), Animation's Start frame, Animation's end frame, Current frame, Rew,Play/Stop,Fwd,
Set, Delete ,Copy single key , Paste single key, Edit objects animation.

The status bar.
Prints out information about cursor position, the current viewport/camera grid/fov, z clipping planes values and notifies about current operations.

The Control Panel.
Consists of three main dialogs: Create - Modify -Materials
The dialogs can be SCROLLED UP-DOWN -so that all contro
ls are viewable- in three ways:
1) Place the cursor over a neutral area(no buttons,edit boxes etc.) and the cursor image will turn into a wide open hand.Click'n'drag to scroll the dialog.
2) A scroll bar will appear IF a dialog is not totally visible.
3) Use the mousewheel if available.

The Scene List Dialog.
Scene objects are listed in this dialog.
Go to Menu->Tools->Scene List or press the main toolbar button and select objects.
Check/uncheck the Types check boxes to remove/add to list the type of objects you need.

The Keyboard shortcuts.

NOTE: Not all key shortcuts are listed here(see Menu items):

Add to selection - Ctrl + mouse left button
Remove from selection - Shift + mouse left button

New project - Ctrl + N
Open project - Ctrl + O
Save project - Ctrl + S
Save project as - Ctrl + A
Merge project - Ctrl + M
Import - Ctrl + I
Export - Ctrl + E
Exit application Ctrl + X

Undo - Ctrl + U
Clear Undo - Ctrl + Z
Clone - Ctrl + C
Delete - Delete and Ctrl + Delete
Select All - F1
Select None - F2
Invert Selection - F3
Select From List - F4
Object Properties - Ctrl + P
Scene Info - Ctrl + I

Scene List - Ctrl + L
Align - Ctrl + G
Reset Transform - Ctrl + R
Center Pivot To Object - Ctrl + V
Center Object To Pivot - Ctrl + B

Hide Selected - F5
Hide Unselected - F6
Unhide All - F7
Unhide By Name - F8

Environment - F9
Preferences - F10

Make Preview - F11
Render - F12


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It seems to me the like the site is completely dead?

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