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Mesh to Skin
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Converting a mesh into a skin

I use a simple Cube primitive mesh and a single bone for this example.

For each mesh you want to convert into a skin :

Select mesh and go to Modify dialog.
Scroll down until you find the "Convert To Skin" button.Press it.

A dialog will ask if you want the mesh deleted.
Press No if you want to keep the mesh.For this example press Yes to delete old mesh.

The dialog in Modify changes because mesh is converted into a skin object.
Now, we're gonna assign skin's vertices to the bone(vertices will be controlled by the bone).
Press the "Edit" button.

Now we're in EditVertices mode.The skin vertices are drawn (blue dots).
Blue means no weight(weight = 0.0).
What is a weight?:
Weight is the amount of bone influence.
Multi-weights: a vertex(point) can be assigned to/controlled by more than one bones.
Weight values: from 0.0 to 1.0.See Skin tutorial(also explains weight colors).
In this example we use one bone so you guessed correctly.Weight will be 1.0.

Select all of them(click and drag - hope you know how selecting works in LR3D!!!).
When selected, a green bounding rectangle will be drawn around each one of them.

Now we must assign them to a bone.This bone will control v
ertices when we move/rotate/scale it.
Press "Assign To Bone" button.

All you have to do now is select the bone.
You can directly click on it and if this is too hard, maybe too many objects in front of it, select it from SceneList by name.

That was it.The bone is added in bones list and now controls the vertices.
Weight is already set to 1.0(vertices turned RED).

Press "Assign To Bone" again to exit assigning mode and "Edit" to exit editing mode.

NOTE: Assign To Bone operation will replace/remove any existing bones/weights.

This is also the proper way to select the FIRST bone if you use multi-weights.
If you want to add more bones the procedure is the same but you must use "Add Bone" button instead of Assign and set weight manually.

I hope this tut is easy to follow and understand.


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