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Skin Texture Painting
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 Here's a tutorial on Skin Texture Painting.LR3D can export UV mapping as a *.BMP image.It can also be found in LR3D's homepage tutorials page.

Let's start from UV mapping.Besides standard Box,Cylindrical,Spherical,Planar mappings you can directly edit mesh UV.
I'm not an expert in skin texture painting but I'll try to demonstrate how this can be done inside LR3D.

If the model isn't uv mapped apply a standard mapping type for the whole mesh or for each part edited.
Planar or Box would be fine.You must do that else there will be messy uv triangles in the EditUV dialog.
Go to 'Modify Tab dialog' and choose UVmapping.Press 'Modify'.Choose a mapping type and press 'Apply'.
Undo if not satisfied with result and try again.Press 'Modify' again to exit.

It's easier to have parts of the model edited than the whole mesh.Having a mesh selected go to "Faces" sub-object mode.Select
the triangles you want(i.e the model's face) and press the "EditUV" button.A dialog will pop up.This is the 'EditUV' dialog.If the
model has one or more textures the first texture will be rendered along with the UV triangles of the model.You can switch
between textures from the texture list found bottom-right.You can also flip image horz-vert and of course Pan,Rotate,Zoom the
texture view.NOTE: Standard UV mapping types may have the UV points positioned out of view.In this case just pan
view,select all UV points and move them to the center of the image.All you have to do now is place the UV triangles.The
changes will be applied to model in real time so you can move the dialo
g around and see how the model looks in the views.The
buttons are self-explanatory.U,V check boxes are used for horz,vertical constraining of the Move,Rot,Scale operations.
NOTE:Adding-Removing to/from selection is the same with selecting objects/sub-object elements -> Ctrl +, Shift - .Click for
single point or Click'n'drag for rectangle selection.

This can be done in two ways:
A)From inside LR3D go to 'Modify Tab Dialog' and select "UnwrapUV" modifier from the 'Modifiers List'.Press the 'Modify'
button.In the dialog enter the size of the image and press the 'Apply' button.Save the image and go to your favourite image
editor and paint the texture.
B)Use an image capture program or press the keyboard's "PrntScrn" key to get a screen image copied to clipboard.
Open an image editor and paste the image.

When first loading image and using it, make sure the UV triangles fit correctly to the image.Just go again to EditUV and see if
everything's ok.If not, just select all UV points and scale them.


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