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CoD2 teleport tutorial
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TUTORIAL for adding teleports to COD2 thanks to Dad of Azz.

!TUTORIAL for adding teleports to COD2!

Open your map in the editor.
Navigate to the position you want to be teleported from.
Create a large trigger (about the size of an actor).
With the trigger still selected, right click in the 2D view and select trigger_multipple.
Still with the trigger selected press n.
In the key field type targetname.
In the value field type enter, press [enter]
Now in the key field type target
In the value field type a name for the area you want to teleport to lets say for example tower press [enter] then [esc]

Now navigate to the area you want to be teleported to.
Right click in the 2D view and select script_origin.
Position the small red cube slightly above ground or floor and not intersecting with any other brush, rotate it so the arrow points in the direction you wish to face.
With the script_origin still selected press n.
In the key field type targetname.
In the value field type tower (or whatever you chose for the target when you made the trigger) press [enter].
If you have everything correct you should now see a red "connection" line with arrows running from the trigger to the origin.
Here is a hint from Cybershot, if you dont see a red line connecting the trigger to the origin select both and press the "w" key. If you now see the red line but dont have the arrows on it pointing from trigger to origin then recheck the targetnames and target for any typo's.
THATS IT FOR THE MAPPING (save and compile)

Extract and use the teleportenter.gsc from this zip file. Place it in your mapsmp folder.
Add this line to yourmapname.gsc

mapsmp eleportenter::main(); //this calls up the teleportenter.gsc If you are unsure where to add this line simply look in the mp_cod2teleportdemo.gsc enclosed in this zip.

Also included in this zip is the mp_cod2teleportdemo.map file. If need be you can load this up in the editor to get a better idea of how to add teleporting.

Example Download

If you require more teleports in your map simply follow the above procedure, always give the trigger the targetname of enter but make the target the same as the next script_origins targetname.

To load the cod2teleportdemo map in your game extract the cod2teleporttutorialanddemomap.IWD into your COD2main folder, start game, select start server, mahe pure no, dedicated no, select death match, scroll down map list and select COD 2 teleport demo, start.

Many thanks to modsonline member cybershot for help with the scripting and testing.


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