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Call of Duty 2 Mapping Tutorial All-in-One by HyPeR
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This tutorial is made for English users only or fluently spoken english people that are from different countries. My apologies go out as i can only speak english.

This tutorial includes everything you need to know about basic mapping. Even if you think, i want to make something better than basic like I did when i first started out, this really is the tutorial for you, it has everything you need to know to make a really good map for Call of Duty 2.

The tutorial includes descriptions, instructions, screenshots and links to downloads which you will need in order to create a map and successfully run a map (You do not have to worry about downloading files as they are virus free - i have scanned them many times before with AVG and Mcafee). The downloads that are linked in with the tutorial are as follows:

1.Cod2Radiant (Cod2 mapping tool) - This is needed to actually create the map

2. .iwd file - This will be needed so that you can run your map on Call of Duty 2 for testing and to play on servers with.

3. .gsc file - This is needed to put into your .iwd file in order so that you can have the correct team on your map i.e. American/British/Russian and German (All explained in the tutorial).

4. .arena file - This will be kept in your .iwd file so that you can change the name of the Map on the loading screen etc. and what gametypes the map will run.

HyPeR'sAll-in-One Cod2 Mapping tutorial

So, you want to make maps for Call of duty 2 PC Platform huh?

Well, im going to make this as easy as possible and i will also try and give you links to the software that you will need to make maps and other bits and pieces that you might need to make the map.

Obviously you need to download the software first so here goes. The link is for cod2 modding tools, this can make maps weapon skins etc. But i am going to teach you how to make maps. The link is http://download.cnet.com/Call-of-Duty-2-mod-tools/3000-7441_4-10528135.html

The map that i will be describing will be a .iwd file which you can upload to a server and play on really easily. The map is really easy and so simple.

This tutorial is based upon people who have never mapped before in their entire lives and want to start.

First off i will start by saying when i first started mapping, in a lot of tutorials, people started mentioning brushes so i was looking for a brush tool or something to paint something on my map - this was wrong. A Brush is the meaning that i totally got confused about. A brush in cod2radiant/cod2 mapping tutorials is basically a block that you have created, its not an actual brush that you pain with or anything like that. For example, if you created a rectangle 62x62 size, then they call this a Brush. Hope this helps you.

IMPORTANT:: Before we start, i would highly reccommend that you download Winrar. Winrar is just a program that you use to look deeper into specific files and grab stuff out of them, this is basically how you make mods. The link to download this software is on the right -> http://download.cnet.com/WinRAR/3000-2250_4-10007677.html          It doesn't have spyware or anything of the sort included so dont hesitate to download it, believe me ive checked it hundreds of times and used it for a long time.

Basic Buttons you should know before mapping in cod2radiant.

D – Moves the 3d diagram Up.

C – Moves the 3d Diagram Down.

A – Change camera angle on 3d diagram of map upwards.

Z – Change camera angle on 3d diagram of map downwards.

Space Bar – Copy + Pastes a brush (wall/object/actor etc.)

Shift + Mouse Left Click – Selects a brush (wall/object/actor etc.)

Esc Button – Deselects a brush (wall/object/actor etc.)

Right click on mouse on 3d diagram – Moves the camera around so that you can search for new brushes created and your map!

Right click on mouse on 2d sketch – moves the 2d sketch up and down to search for your map, this only happens if you have a really big map or your zoomed in a lot.


Tools are a significant part of mapping. Without tools, your map will not work. To access your tools, you go to the tabs area at the top and click textures, then go to usage and then tools. In the bottom right hand corner if you scroll up and down several different things should come up such as AI Trigger, Caulk, Ladder, Mantle On, Mantle Over etc.

Note: To texturise a wall in a tool then you simply select the tool you wish to use and on the 2d diagram box, you drag and drop to create a box and it will magically texturise it in the tool you have selected.

What to do with tools you ask? With the tools, depending on which tool you select you can do various things for example, you must make sure that you make all of your map with the caulk tool (in a yellow box) and then you texturise it with wood, brick, concrete, whatever texture you like. If you do not texturise the object (brush) with caulk before hand, when you come to play your map, there will be walls but you will not be able to see it, it will be like an invisible maze if you understand what im saying, So with caulk its like laying down a see-through wall and then you texturise it with wood and it becomes a wall with a wood texture. Easy right? It is. No catches here. With the ladder tool this basically means that you can climb something so if you want to climb a wall but secretly want to hide it, i.e. not having a ladder there then you simply make a block of ladder and  that it, when you play the map you can climb it.

Another basic tool is mantle on/over, this basically means for mantle on, your character in game pulls himself onto a wall/object and mantle over, well you get the jist.


To change textures you always need to go to the textures tab and then make sure when you select usage, locale or suface type, they are on on the default button of ‘All’. Then on the surface type, you can select wood, ice, metal, concrete etc. For your preferred type but remember, don’t forget once your not using it to set it back to ‘all’.

Creating Walls

First of all, i will explain what you see in cod2 radiant. When you open cod2 radiant successfully then you should have a grid on the left with blue and black lines on a white background, some images in the bottom right hand corner and in the top right hand corner should be a grey screen. The grey screen is the 3d view of your map and the images are the textuires to texture your walls in. These can be customised but i will go into this eventually. On the left hand side is the 2d sketch part which this is where u design your map.

First of all if you go to texture son the tabs at the top and then select usage and then tools. Select the caulk tool and on your 2d diagram sketch, drag and drop with your mouse a block the size you wish to have and then let go and a caulk texturised brush should appear in your 3d diagram (if you cannot see it on your 3d diagram then refer to the basic controls, you should see that your right click on your 3d diagram and look around for your bursh). To texturise that brush, see the textures section in this tutorial.

Make sure that when making a box house or anything on a map, that all houses are equal on the sides and nothing is out of place otherwise this may cause your map to fail and looks stupid if it compiles fine.

That basically is it for creating walls, its so simple you just do things like above and rotate the brushes and walls around tuntil you make your house :D or whatever your building... By the way if you wondering how to rotate brushes (walls object etc.) then if you look into the top left hand corner of the screen then you should see some icons with the letters x, y and z on them with rotational arrows on them, they will rotate your brush for you.


An actor is basically a cod2 soldier without a head, you can put these on your map to help you with the height restrictions etc. You basically right click on the 2d diagram (left) of cod2 radiant and click on actor and then choose which actor you want, it doesnt matter which, any will do. Then as the name says, an actor will be stood in your map for you to do height restrictions with which will be very helpful when you create rooms and need to check the height out without compiling the map which i will talk about later on.


For this you will need the software - Winrar. I have give the link to download it above and it doesnt have spyware or anything of the sort included so dont hesitate to download it, believe me ive checked it hundreds of times and used it for a long time.

When you have winrar, open it up and then go to your program files folder >> activision >> call of duty 2 >> and then go to iw13.iwd and open it up with winrar.

Once in this folder, there should be a folder called xmodel, you want to copy and paste this into your call of duty 2 main folder and that it for that stage. Then close all windows to do with cod2 – leaving cod2 radiant open ofcourse.

Once you have done this, you right click on the 2d sketch part and go to Misc and then model Then a bxo should open for you to browse through your xmodel folder, simply define your search by typing in tree for example or search through the xmodel folder until you find the model you’re looking for, press ok once selected and it will appear on your map.

As simple as that! :D

Spawn Points

Spawn points are another thing like lights i would leave till the very end of your map. Like with actors, models etc. Right click on your 2d sketch and select mp and then tdm spawn/dm spawn or both.

What i did was i did the first step towards adding spawn points. The ugly blue boxes or yellow or green should appear on your map and you just place them wherever you like people to spawn, please note that the touching the surface of the ground only and nothing else otherwise the map will fail and the players will not be able to spawn.

You should also do this for global_intermission, this basically is the spectate camera where it starts of when you choose teams, so choose wisely!

Files for your Map

To make a map work you will need to make a .iwd file which if you choose this link on the right -> http://files.filefront.com/13476859   You will be able to download a typical blank .iwd file which i created for you so that it makes life easier for you.

You will need a .gsc file which within determines basically what teams there will be on the map i.e. german and american, german and british or german and russian. You can also change the colour of the uniform from a different variety of commands, i wouldn't do this just yet, let’s just focus on actualy getting your map to work.

So you need a .gsc file. Wihin then .gsc file the settings below are what should be in this, remember, when creating a .gsc file all you need to do is open notepad, copy and paste the settings in below and save it as mp_yourmapname.gsc and that it for now. When you have created the file you need to pop it in your .iwd file in this order...    /maps/mp/ (HERE).      Dont forget to rename it to mp_yourmapname.gsc


setExpFog(0.0001, 0.55, 0.6, 0.55, 0);
// setCullFog(0, 16500, 0.55, 0.6, 0.55, 0);

game["allies"] = "american";
game["axis"] = "german";
game["attackers"] = "allies";
game["defenders"] = "axis";
game["american_soldiertype"] = "normandy";
game["german_soldiertype"] = "normandy";

setCvar("r_glowbloomintensity0", ".25");
setCvar("r_glowbloomintensity1", ".25");


You also need a .arena file

As above for the .arena file you need to create a new file called mp_yourmapname.arena instead of.gsc on the end it is .arena

The settings below are basic, where it says mp_sdtest, you should name this whatever your map was called. I called my first map mp_brick so that what you would put here, where the longname section is (Search and Destroy test map), this is where you can call it anything i.e. HyPeRs zombie map. This is what is displayed when you fire up the map when it is loading...


            map                  "mp_sdtest"

            longname          "Search and Destroy Test Map"

            gametype         "dm tdm sd"


Finally, youll need the .iwd file. I have uploaded a basic .iwd file to the internet with the correct folders in it for download (you will need Winrar to open this file). Otherwise, the instructions below will help you create an .iwd file from scratch.

1. Make a folder on your desktop. (Mine is named map_temp). It does not matter what you name this.

2. Inside this folder make a folder called maps and a folder called mp. Your arena file will go in this mp folder.

3. Inside the maps folder make another folder called mp (Maps>>Mp). Put your .gsc file in here.

4. You will need Winrar for this step. After you have completed the above steps return to your map_temp folder. Select both the maps and mp folder and right click one of them and select Add to archive. Under archive format select .zip. Make sure compression format is normal. Press O.K.

5. A .zip file will appear in your map_temp folder. Right click it and select rename. Change the file extension to .iwd. If asked "Are you sure you want to change this file extension?" say yes. Your .iwd should now look like mp_yourmapname.iwd

6. Your .iwd is now ready. Put it in your Call of Duty 2/main folder. Test it and make sure it works.

Below is a list of files that are needed which are just basic that i have set up for a basic map which are available to download by the link.

.gsc file -->http://files.filefront.com/13476878

.iwd file --> http://files.filefront.com/13476859

.arena -->http://files.filefront.com/13476873

Worldspawn settings

Worldspawn settings is basically about adding sky to your background and without this, your map will not work so treat this carefully and try not to get stressed if you get lost along the way.

Simply go to tools, then usage and select default tool, then make a box that is huge that goes all around your map, length ways, sideways, height, just all over so a mssive box :D and then once you have done this, select the hollow tool on the tab bar at the top. It is the centre of tha bar and looks like a square which has a dashed edge around it in a red/brown colour. This will make the box hollow.

Then, make sure that on your usage, locale and surface type on the textures tab ar all on all again and then go to usage and then sky, with the box still highlighted ofcourse, and then select something easy just as sky_breakout and then it should texturise the hollow box into the sky :D As shown in the second screenshot below. Note: when selecting the sky type, in this case sky_breakout, the texture will look like there is no image, do not worry, this is normal. So now you have your sky, this is where the complicated part comes in, you need to enter some details to your sky so that it works effectively with lights. Below the screenshot below are the keys and values for every sky there is i think.

For example,  with the sky selected, press f and then click entities on the tab in the bottom left, then enter in the value and key section the value and key details and then press enter. for breakout i would put as my key northyaw and then in my value i would put 90 and press enter.

Once you have done it for every key and value detail for each specific sky then it should work :D


sky texture: sky_breakout
worldspawn settings:

"northyaw" "90"
"_color" "1 .95 .95"
"ambient" "0.05"
"sundiffusecolor" "0.80 0.82 0.85"
"diffusefraction" "0.31"
"classname" "worldspawn"
"sundirection" "-137.8 305 0"
"suncolor" "0.9 0.95 1"
"sunlight" "1.5"


sky texture: sky_silotown
worldspawn settings:
"spawnflags" "8"
"diffusefraction" "0.35"
"sundiffusecolor" "0.909804 0.952941 1.000000"
"_color" "0.470588 0.560784 0.627451"
"sunlight" ".8"
"sundirection" "-40 44 0"
"suncolor" "1.000000 1.000000 1"
"ambient" "0.00"
"classname" "worldspawn"
"northyaw" "90"


sky texture: sky_rhinecrossing
worldspawn settings:
"sundiffusecolor" ".85 .9 1"
"diffusefraction" ".3"
"ambient" ".02"
"sundirection" "-45 210 0"
"suncolor" "1 .95 .85"
"sunlight" "1.5"
"classname" "worldspawn"
"_color" "0.000000 0.501961 1.000000"


sky texture: sky_silotown
worldspawn settings:
"sundiffusecolor" ".85 .9 1"
"diffusefraction" ".56"
"ambient" ".0"
"sundirection" "-40 -138 0"
"suncolor" "1 .95 .85"
"classname" "worldspawn"
"_color" ".85 .9 1"
"sunlight" "1.8"

mp_dawnville (St Mere Eglise)

sky texture: sky_dawnville2
worldspawn settings:
"ambient" ".0"
"sundiffusecolor" ".85 .9 1"
"diffusefraction" ".6"
"sundirection" "-57 169 0"
"suncolor" ".9 .92 .85"
"sunlight" "1.2"
"classname" "worldspawn"
"_color" "0 0 0"
"northyaw" "90"


sky texture: sky_decoy
worldspawn settings:
"sundiffusecolor" "0.15 0.21 .6"
"diffusefraction" "0.4"
"sundirection" "-60 245 0"
"_color" "0 0 0"
"ambient" ".0"
"suncolor" ".5 .52 .55"
"sunlight" ".47"
"northyaw" "180"
"classname" "worldspawn"


sky texture: sky_cityhall
worldspawn settings:
"-contrastgain" ".4"
"_color" "1 .96 .98"
"ambient" ".0"
"sunlight" "1.15"
"sundirection" "-24 -127 0"
"sundiffusecolor" ".9 .9 .96"
"suncolor" "1 .96 .98"
"diffusefraction" ".40"
"classname" "worldspawn"


sky texture: sky_beltot
worldspawn settings:
"diffusefraction" ".4"
"_color" "0.890196 0.733333 0.407843"
"ambient" "0"
"sundiffusecolor" ".58 .59 .71"
"sundirection" "-19 -70 0"
"suncolor" ".94 .62 .5"
"sunlight" "1.3"
"classname" "worldspawn"


sky texture: sky_moscow
worldspawn settings:
"ambient" ".0"
"_color" "1 .96 .98"
"sunlight" "1.15"
"sundirection" "-70 35 0"
"sundiffusecolor" ".9 .9 .96"
"suncolor" "1 .96 .98"
"diffusefraction" ".52"
"classname" "worldspawn"


sky texture: sky_libyatown
worldspawn settings:
"model" "xmodel/dome_04"
"suncolor" "1.00 0.88 0.85"
"sundirection" "-20 315 0"
"sunlight" "1.45"
"sundiffusecolor" "1.00 0.86 0.89"
"_color" "1.00 0.781 0.275"
"diffusefraction" ".45"
"ambient" ".02"
"classname" "worldspawn"


sky texture: sky_trainyard
worldspawn settings:
"classname" "worldspawn"
"sundirection" "-40 225 0"
"suncolor" "100 100 105"
"sunlight" "1.3"
"sundiffusecolor" "100 100 100"
"diffusefraction" ".65"
"ambient" ".1"
"_color" "100 100 105"


sky texture: sky_toujane
worldspawn settings:
"diffusefraction" ".4"
"sundiffusecolor" "0.863 0.922 0.922"
"sundirection" "-45 135 0"
"suncolor" "0.98 0.882 0.745"
"sunlight" "1.3"
"classname" "worldspawn"
"ambient" ".02"
"_color" "0.813 0.804 0.706"

sky texture: test_sky
worldspawn settings:
"sundiffusecolor" ".85 .9 1"
"diffusefraction" ".3"
"ambient" ".02"
"sundirection" "-45 210 0"
"suncolor" "1 .95 .85"
"sunlight" "1.5"
"classname" "worldspawn"
"_color" ".85 .9 1"

Light Settings – I would recommend that this should be done last before compiling your map.

Without lights in your map, it will just be a dark map and you cannot see anything, so we needf to add lights. Adding lights is easy, just like adding an actor, if you go to the 2d diagram and right click and select light and then a green triangle should appear on your 3d diagtram if you do not see it, scroll out with your scoroll whell on your mouse and look for it and drag it into the room you want it in. Then with the light selected, if you press ‘F’ on your keyboard, a dialog box should come up. In the dialog box, look for the tab called Entities and select that. This looks all confusing but it really isn’t. Look for the Key and Value boxes and beside them should be empty. If nto this doesn’t matter. In the key box you should write _color and in the Value box you should write 1 1 1. Once done, press enter and in the box above them two you should see it appear. Once you have done that, you should do this for the next couple of commands too. Here are the commands


Value:1 1 1


Value:200 (this is how big your light source is – Note: do not copy whats in this brack :D)


Value:1 or 2 (Note: select either 1 or 2, not both)

key: _color

value: 1 1 1  

Once you have entered the correct details, a circular light should appear on your 3d diagram. The circle is the light and if it isn’t big enough or doesn’t fit a room make it 400 or something to make it fit your room. Just to be safe, after copying all of the lights into every room. I would make a new light about 3000 radius depending on the size of your map to go around your map just to be safe that it works :D


So, the final stage of your map, this is where your fingers get crossed and hope the compiling works because you have correctly created your map :S. So in your cod2 mods tools which you downloaded off the internet, there should be something called cod2 compile tool or something.

You need to open this and when you do, with the browse button, look for your activision folder and then call of duty 2 folder, select call of duty 2 and hit ok. Thats it, if you go any further into the folders it will bring an error message. Onec you have done this, in the dorp down menu click map_source and then select your map from the menu below that. Note, your map must be called mp_(the name of the map with no space) so for example, mp_space_mountain or mp_rock or mp_roket_man_shuttle etc. Select the map and then for the options check everything except:onlyents,blocksize,sample scale,traces,bouncefraction and jitter. Leave the custom command line options bank for both of them, and also in the bottom grid line option, leave everything in that as it is, which should be Edit Existing Grid i hope :D Once you have done this, hit compile and it should start working.

Now, heres the most vital part, in your .iwd file that you have with your .gsc and .arena file, you need to open up your call of duty 2 main, look for a folder called maps and in there should be your map. Lets say you called your map mp_rock the filename should be something weird looking like mp_rock.d3gscf or something really strange, well you need to put that into your .iwd file and by the way, call you .iwd file mp_rock.iwd before i forget. Put the compiled map into the folder, Maps>>mp which is in your .iwd file.

Once it has been put into you .iwd file, stick this in your main, go to the call of duty 2 mutliplayer game, open it up and type in the console by pressing ` (button next to 1 on the left) and type in /map mp_(name of your map) and hit enter, this should open your map and everything should work. Enjoy...

Thats basically it i suppose on how to make basic maps. I have only just scraped the surface on making maps because it can get a whole lot complicated but you can make a pretty good map with the intstructions i have gave you above.

If i have missed anything out that you need help with then i may be able to help but i cannot promise as i am only a beginner mapper myself but have had much experience in the field.

If you have any problems then please email me on hyper-1992@hotmail.co.uk and i will try my best to help you where you have gone wrong. If this tutorial gets around a lot then i will probably be busy answering emails so i will respond to your email within 2 days latest. You can send me your .map file which can be opened in cod2radiant if you like but i warn you, if you do so, then i might be very busy and his may take a few days to edit and find your mistakes rather than email you.

Thanks anyway and i hope this tutorial helped A LOT

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