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Clipping Out Windows and Doors
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Welcome to the "how do I make doors and windows" tutorial by The Caretaker.
First, we start with our house, without any windows or anything. Two stories.


Select one of the walls by holding shift and leftclicking in the 3d window


Next, press "X" and select two points on the line along which you want to cut your brush.
One side will now disappear.


If you press "Enter" it will stay that way. If you want to keep both sides, press "Shift-Enter".


Now do the same on the other side of where you want to have your door


Next, deselect everything by pressing Esc. and onlly select the small brush we just cut out
and cut that horizontally at the height where you want your door to be. You can always raise or lower it
later if you want to. Pressing enter should now leave you with a nice door in your wall


Now we do the same for the window.
Except, where we pressed "enter" for the door, we now press "Shift+enter" to keep both sides of the cut brush
We want to make a lower portion of the window frame too.

So select the lower part and cut it horizontally once more


Now, as you can see in the shot above, the wrong part of the bursh is cut.
So we now press "Ctrl-Enter" to make the other part stay.


Texture and you've got yourself a nice house


So remember

select the brush
Press "X"
click two points on the line you want to cut along
"Enter" keeps the current brush part
"Ctrl-Enter" turns the remaining and clipped of part around
"Shift-Enter" keeps both parts.

These are just the basics of the clipper tool, because you can actually cut in three dimensions.
But that's for another tutorial.

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