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Forum: All Forums : Call of Duty: Black Ops
Category: CoDBO Scripting
Scripting and coding with Call of Duty: Black Ops.
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Author Topic: Black Ops Functions
General Member
Since: Jul 12, 2008
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Level 4
Im a fan of MODSonair
Category: CoDBO Scripting
Posted: Friday, Nov. 12, 2010 08:40 pm
Trawled through the mp and gametypes folders and documented (basic) new/interesting changes to functions, as well as some other stuff.


New Functions (in MP):

SetClientFlag( flag )
ClearClientFlag( flag )
glassRadiusDamage( pos, radius, max, min, mod )
SetInvisibleToPlayer( entity )
SetVisibleToPlayer( entity )
registerClientSys( ? )
setClientSysState( ? )
ClientNotify( string )
VisionSetLerpRatio( ratio )
setAdvertisedStatus( bool )
WeaponLockTargetTooClose( bool )
WeaponLockNoClearance( bool )
WeaponLockFinalize( target )
target_isincircle( target, self, 65, radius )
Target_SetTurretAquire( heli, false ) // SAM Turret
SetHoverParams( x, y, z )
UseAnimTree( #animtree, true )

MagicBullet( "hind_rockets_firstperson_mp", start_origin, end_origin, self )
SetVehWeapon( weapon )
SetTargetEntity( target )
setEnemyModel( model )
usevehicle( entity, flag? )
RotatePoint( ent, yaw )
SetSpawnClientFlag( string )
flag_init( string )
SetTurretOwner( ent )
SetTurretType( type )
setturretteam( team )
setupTurretHealth( turret )
stopCarryTurret( turret, turret.origin, turret.angles )
setTurretCarried( bool )
SetMode( string )
SetPerkForTrigger( perk )
SetIgnoreEntForTrigger( bool )
Target_Set( entity )
Target_Remove( entity )
SetSprintDuration( float )
SetSprintCooldown( float )
array_std_deviation( array, avg )
array_average( array )
SetPlayerRenderOptions( ? )
calcPlayerOptions( lInt, hInt )
calcWeaponOptions ( <camo> <lens> <reticle> <tag> <emblem> )
GiveWeapon( weapon, 0, weaponOptions )
SetScriptGoal( goal, dist )
PressUseButton( time )
GetDefaultClassSlot( class, tag )
tableLookupColumnForRow( table, row, searchValue )
bbPrint( ? )
getplayerspawnid( player )
getCustomClassLoadoutItem( num, string )
getCustomClassModifier( num, string )
getDstat( ?, ? )
IsWeaponSpecificUse( weapon )
setDStat( baseName, dataName, value, oldStatName, challengeName, currentMilestone )
SetPreGameTeam( team )
SetPregameClass( class )

//interesting pieces
target.locking_on &= ~( 1 << clientNum );
#using_animtree ( "mp_vehicles" );

// new waittills
waittill( 	"stationary" // Ballistic knife
			"missile_fire", missile, weap, target
			"hijacked crate"
			"team crate hijacked", crateType
			"face", face_notify, ent
			"damage_caused_by", weapon
			"projectile_impact", weapon 
			"weapon_change", weapon
// Dvars
SetDvar( "sv_botMinDeathTime",		"250" );
SetDvar( "sv_botMaxDeathTime",		"500" );
SetDvar( "sv_botMinFireTime",		"100" );
SetDvar( "sv_botMaxFireTime",		"300" );
SetDvar( "sv_botYawSpeed",			"14" );
SetDvar( "sv_botYawSpeedAds",		"14" );
SetDvar( "sv_botPitchUp",			"-5" );
SetDvar( "sv_botPitchDown",			"10" );
SetDvar( "sv_botFov",				"160" );
SetDvar( "sv_botMinAdsTime",		"3000" );
SetDvar( "sv_botMaxAdsTime",		"5000" );
SetDvar( "sv_botMinCrouchTime",		"100" );
SetDvar( "sv_botMaxCrouchTime",		"400" );
SetDvar( "sv_botTargetLeadBias",	"2" );
SetDvar( "sv_botMinReactionTime",	"30" );
SetDvar( "sv_botMaxReactionTime",	"100" );
SetDvar( "sv_botStrafeChance",		"1" );
SetDvar( "sv_botMinStrafeTime",		"3000" );
SetDvar( "sv_botMaxStrafeTime",		"6000" );
SetDvar( "scr_help_dist",			"512" );
SetDvar( "devgui_bot", "" );
SetDvar( "scr_bot_follow", "0" );
SetDvar( "sv_botsAllowMovement", "0" );
SetDvar( "sv_botsIgnoreHumans", "1" );
SetDvar( "sv_botsForceStand", "1" );
SetDvar( "scr_bots_managed_spawn", 0 );
SetDvar( "scr_bots_managed_all", 0 );
SetDvar( "scr_bots_managed_axis", 0 );
SetDvar( "scr_bots_managed_allied", 0 );
SetDvar( "scr_bot_difficulty", "normal" );
SetDvar( "scr_botsHasPlayerWeapon", "0" );
SetDvar( "scr_botsGrenadesOnly", "0" );
SetDvar( "scr_botsSpecialGrenadesOnly", "0" );
SetDvar( "sv_botsPressAttackBtn", "1" );
SetDvar( "sv_botsPressMeleeBtn", "1" );
setDvar( "party_minplayers", 4 );

// init cac data table column definitions
level.cac_numbering = 0;	// unique unsigned int - general numbering of all items
level.cac_cstat = 1;		// unique unsigned int - stat number assigned
level.cac_cgroup = 2;		// string - item group name, "primary" "secondary" "inventory" "specialty" "grenades" "special grenades" "stow back" "stow side" "attachment"
level.cac_cname = 3;		// string - name of the item, "Extreme Conditioning"
level.cac_creference = 4;	// string - reference string of the item, "m203" "svt40" "bulletdamage" "c4"
level.cac_ccount = 5;		// signed int - item count, if exists, -1 = has no count
level.cac_cimage = 6;		// string - item's image file name
level.cac_cdesc = 7;		// long string - item's description
level.cac_cstring = 8;		// long string - item's other string data, reserved
level.cac_cint = 9;			// signed int - item's other number data, used for attachment number representations
level.cac_cunlock = 10;		// unsigned int - represents if item is unlocked by default
level.cac_cint2 = 11;		// signed int - item's other number data, used for primary weapon camo skin number representations
level.cac_cost = 12; // signed int - cost of the item
level.cac_slot = 13; // string - slot for the given item
level.cac_classified = 15;	// signed int - number of items of the class purchased need to unlock this weapon
// Client flags
// Scriptmovers
level.const_flag_rocket_fx = 1;
level.const_flag_tactical_insertion = 2;
level.const_flag_flag_away = 3;
level.const_flag_stunned = 9;
level.const_flag_camera_spike = 10;
level.const_flag_counteruav = 11;
level.const_flag_destructible_car = 12;
level.const_flag_copterrotor = 13;
level.const_flag_copterdamaged = 14;

// Missiles
level.const_flag_scrambler = 3;
level.const_flag_stunned = 9;
// Helicopters
level.const_flag_warn_targeted = 3;
level.const_flag_warn_locked = 4;
level.const_flag_warn_fired = 5;
level.const_flag_outofbounds = 6;
level.const_flag_choppergunner = 7;
level.const_flag_opendoor = 8;
level.const_flag_crashing = 9;

// Vehicles
level.const_flag_countdown = 1;
level.const_flag_timeout = 2;
level.const_flag_stunned = 9;
// Players
level.const_flag_ctfcarrier = 0;

// Planes
level.const_flag_bombing = 1;
level.const_flag_airstrike = 2;
level.const_flag_napalm = 3;
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Level 7
Im a fan of MODSonair
Category: CoDBO Scripting
Posted: Friday, Nov. 12, 2010 08:50 pm
has mod tools been released for black ops yet?
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General Member
Since: Jul 12, 2008
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Level 4
Im a fan of MODSonair
Category: CoDBO Scripting
Posted: Friday, Nov. 12, 2010 08:54 pm
No, but somebody did a GSC rip of Black Ops about a day after release. Which is where I got the information.
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Level 5
Im a fan of MODSonair
Category: CoDBO Scripting
Posted: Saturday, Nov. 13, 2010 09:31 am
Here are links to CoD:Black Ops assets. Posting them here by me isn't illegal because TreyArch annouced Mod Tools.

Black Ops - Weapon Files

Black Ops : Scripts

Second package includes: .gsc scripts, anim trees, definitions, worldspawn settings, vision files, anim scripts, rumbles, damage defs.

The big news in Black Ops is that we will be able to write video scripts like this:
// You can specify particular movies to play for particular maps
// by using a line like this per map:
// getmapname <name_of_map> strcmp ! if <name_of_movie_to_play> play then
// every expression is in postfix notation

							// frontend special cases
getmapname frontend strcmp !	// push whether this is frontend
	ui_skipMainLockout getdvar 1 == 
		so_narrative1_frontend_load play
	com_introPlayed getdvar 0 == 
		treyarch play			
		spinner play
then						// Default case
	getmapname _load strcat	play

Renderer is now much more powerfull, just check that randomly picked vision file:
r_filmMidTint                       "1.0104 1.0104 0.9639" 
r_filmLightTint                     "1.1151 1.0941 1.0941" 
r_filmBleach                        "0.0000 0.0000 0.0000" 
r_filmContrast                      "1.0625 1.0625 1.0000" 

r_sCurveShoulderStrength            "0.100000" 
r_sCurveLinearStrength              "0.500000" 
r_sCurveLinearAngle                 "0.125000" 
r_sCurveToeStrength                 "0.144731" 
r_sCurveToeNumerator                "0.010000" 
r_sCurveToeDenominator              "0.574988" 

r_bloomTintWeights                  "0.2500 0.5000 0.2500 0.0000" 
r_bloomColorScale                   "0.3510 0.3790 0.3790 0.0000" 
r_bloomTintScale                    "0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000" 
r_bloomCurveBreakpoint              "0.4000 0.4000 0.4000 1.0000" 
r_bloomCurveLoGamma                 "0.6551 0.4817 0.3769 1.0000" 
r_bloomCurveHiGamma                 "1.0022 1.0022 1.0022 1.0000" 
r_bloomExpansionControl             "0.7853 0.2958 0.5989 0.5232" 
r_bloomExpansionWeights             "0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000" 
r_bloomExpansionSource              "1.000000" 
r_bloomBlurRadius                   "1.750000" 
r_bloomPersistence                  "1.000000" 

r_primaryLightUseTweaks             "1.000000" 
r_primaryLightTweakDiffuseStrength  "2.000000" 
r_primaryLightTweakSpecularStrength "1.683750" 

r_bloomCurveLoBlack                 "0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000" 
r_bloomCurveLoWhite                 "1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000" 
r_bloomCurveLoRemapBlack            "0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000" 
r_bloomCurveLoRemapWhite            "1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000" 
r_bloomCurveHiBlack                 "0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000" 
r_bloomCurveHiWhite                 "1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000" 
r_bloomCurveHiRemapBlack            "0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000" 
r_bloomCurveHiRemapWhite            "1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000" 
r_filmHue                           "0.0000 0.0000 0.0000" 

r_bloomStreakXLevels0               "0.2500 0.5000 0.2500 1.0000" 
r_bloomStreakXLevels1               "0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 1.0000" 
r_bloomStreakXInnerTint             "1.0000 1.0000 1.0000" 
r_bloomStreakXOuterTint             "1.0000 1.0000 1.0000" 
r_bloomStreakXTintControl           "0.2500 0.5000 0.2500 1.0000" 
r_bloomStreakXTint                  "0.0000 0.0000 0.0000" 

r_bloomStreakYLevels0               "0.0000 0.1263 0.1263 1.0000" 
r_bloomStreakYLevels1               "0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 1.0000" 
r_bloomStreakYInnerTint             "1.0000 1.0000 1.0000" 
r_bloomStreakYOuterTint             "1.0000 1.0000 1.0000" 
r_bloomStreakYTintControl           "0.2500 0.5000 0.2500 1.0000" 
r_bloomStreakYTint                  "0.0000 0.0842 0.0702"

New file type has ben added with Z3 extension, i've found one file called zork1.z3 which is compiled. In next folder we can find 'emails' used in game.

When ill get more free time i will write tutorial/article explaining all newest features in Black Ops.
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Since: Jun 1, 2008
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Level 4
Category: CoDBO Scripting
Posted: Saturday, Nov. 13, 2010 11:41 am
Hmmm... Looks like the FX files are using full paths now. Should be fun having to re-learn everything for this.
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Level 5
Category: CoDBO Scripting
Posted: Saturday, Nov. 13, 2010 07:34 pm
Just cross your fingers that you will actually be able to use what you learn. [thumbs_up]
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Level 8
Im a fan of MODSonair
Category: CoDBO Scripting
Posted: Saturday, Nov. 13, 2010 08:18 pm
BraX writes...

The big news in Black Ops is that we will be able to write video scripts like this:
// You can specify particular movies to play for particular maps
// by using a line like this per map:
// getmapname <name_of_map> strcmp ! if <name_of_movie_to_play> play then
// every expression is in postfix notation

							// frontend special cases
getmapname frontend strcmp !	// push whether this is frontend
	ui_skipMainLockout getdvar 1 == 
		so_narrative1_frontend_load play
	com_introPlayed getdvar 0 == 
		treyarch play			
		spinner play
then						// Default case
	getmapname _load strcat	play

You could do that since CoD4.
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Level 5
Im a fan of MODSonair
Category: CoDBO Scripting
Posted: Saturday, Nov. 13, 2010 09:30 pm
SparkyMcSparks writes...
BraX writes...

The big news in Black Ops is that we will be able to write video scripts like this:
// You can specify particular movies to play for particular maps
// by using a line like this per map:
// getmapname <name_of_map> strcmp ! if <name_of_movie_to_play> play then
// every expression is in postfix notation

							// frontend special cases
getmapname frontend strcmp !	// push whether this is frontend
	ui_skipMainLockout getdvar 1 == 
		so_narrative1_frontend_load play
	com_introPlayed getdvar 0 == 
		treyarch play			
		spinner play
then						// Default case
	getmapname _load strcat	play

You could do that since CoD4.

So far i haven't seen that in CoD4.
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General Member
Since: Oct 30, 2006
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Level 3
Category: CoDBO Scripting
Posted: Sunday, Dec. 26, 2010 10:34 pm
BraX writes...
Here are links to CoD:Black Ops assets. Posting them here by me isn't illegal because TreyArch annouced Mod Tools.

Black Ops - Weapon Files

Black Ops : Scripts

Second package includes: .gsc scripts, anim trees, definitions, worldspawn settings, vision files, anim scripts, rumbles, damage defs.

The big news in Black Ops is that we will be able to write video scripts like this:
// You can specify particular movies to play for particular maps
// by using a line like this per map:
// getmapname <name_of_map> strcmp ! if <name_of_movie_to_play> play then
// every expression is in postfix notation

							// frontend special cases
getmapname frontend strcmp !	// push whether this is frontend
	ui_skipMainLockout getdvar 1 == 
		so_narrative1_frontend_load play
	com_introPlayed getdvar 0 == 
		treyarch play			
		spinner play
then						// Default case
	getmapname _load strcat	play

Renderer is now much more powerfull, just check that randomly picked vision file:
r_filmMidTint                       "1.0104 1.0104 0.9639" 
r_filmLightTint                     "1.1151 1.0941 1.0941" 
r_filmBleach                        "0.0000 0.0000 0.0000" 
r_filmContrast                      "1.0625 1.0625 1.0000" 

r_sCurveShoulderStrength            "0.100000" 
r_sCurveLinearStrength              "0.500000" 
r_sCurveLinearAngle                 "0.125000" 
r_sCurveToeStrength                 "0.144731" 
r_sCurveToeNumerator                "0.010000" 
r_sCurveToeDenominator              "0.574988" 

r_bloomTintWeights                  "0.2500 0.5000 0.2500 0.0000" 
r_bloomColorScale                   "0.3510 0.3790 0.3790 0.0000" 
r_bloomTintScale                    "0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000" 
r_bloomCurveBreakpoint              "0.4000 0.4000 0.4000 1.0000" 
r_bloomCurveLoGamma                 "0.6551 0.4817 0.3769 1.0000" 
r_bloomCurveHiGamma                 "1.0022 1.0022 1.0022 1.0000" 
r_bloomExpansionControl             "0.7853 0.2958 0.5989 0.5232" 
r_bloomExpansionWeights             "0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000" 
r_bloomExpansionSource              "1.000000" 
r_bloomBlurRadius                   "1.750000" 
r_bloomPersistence                  "1.000000" 

r_primaryLightUseTweaks             "1.000000" 
r_primaryLightTweakDiffuseStrength  "2.000000" 
r_primaryLightTweakSpecularStrength "1.683750" 

r_bloomCurveLoBlack                 "0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000" 
r_bloomCurveLoWhite                 "1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000" 
r_bloomCurveLoRemapBlack            "0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000" 
r_bloomCurveLoRemapWhite            "1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000" 
r_bloomCurveHiBlack                 "0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000" 
r_bloomCurveHiWhite                 "1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000" 
r_bloomCurveHiRemapBlack            "0.1000 0.1000 0.1000 0.1000" 
r_bloomCurveHiRemapWhite            "1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000" 
r_filmHue                           "0.0000 0.0000 0.0000" 

r_bloomStreakXLevels0               "0.2500 0.5000 0.2500 1.0000" 
r_bloomStreakXLevels1               "0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 1.0000" 
r_bloomStreakXInnerTint             "1.0000 1.0000 1.0000" 
r_bloomStreakXOuterTint             "1.0000 1.0000 1.0000" 
r_bloomStreakXTintControl           "0.2500 0.5000 0.2500 1.0000" 
r_bloomStreakXTint                  "0.0000 0.0000 0.0000" 

r_bloomStreakYLevels0               "0.0000 0.1263 0.1263 1.0000" 
r_bloomStreakYLevels1               "0.0000 1.0000 0.0000 1.0000" 
r_bloomStreakYInnerTint             "1.0000 1.0000 1.0000" 
r_bloomStreakYOuterTint             "1.0000 1.0000 1.0000" 
r_bloomStreakYTintControl           "0.2500 0.5000 0.2500 1.0000" 
r_bloomStreakYTint                  "0.0000 0.0842 0.0702"

New file type has ben added with Z3 extension, i've found one file called zork1.z3 which is compiled. In next folder we can find 'emails' used in game.

When ill get more free time i will write tutorial/article explaining all newest features in Black Ops.

I had the weapons script in a matter of minutes. Trying to mod the weapons in zombies but no luck so far. I found the settings they look like the same as CoDWAW Nazi Zombies. When I did my weaopns mod for it, it was easy but no luck so far on this one
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Since: Apr 11, 2015
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Level 0
Category: CoDBO Scripting
Posted: Sunday, Apr. 12, 2015 05:30 pm
I believe there is a "takeAllWeapons" and a "giveWeapon" function which will allow you to make the player always spawn with a sniper. You could also edit the choose class menu so they can only select snipers.

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